From Badarwar two roads were open to me, by either of which I could reach Chatargarh on the Chenab, from which place there is a road into Zanskar.
The view from the top was very fine, the day being in every respect favourable: the greater part of the valley of Kashmir was seen spread out far below, and a complete circle of snowy mountains bounded the horizon.
Below Ardahan, where it skirts the base of the Dochus Punar system, the Kur threads a narrow valley, deeply buried in the volcanic soil.
We followed the tripping stream down the narrow valley, the rocky and beetling sides studded with firs from foot to summit; and from among them a ruined castle, ascribed as usual to Queen Thamar, frowned out upon the passage which it controls.
The united volume dwells for a short space in wider landscapes, until it pierces the extreme base of the Sanislo branch of the Trialethian mountains, and is again confined in a narrow valley.
We rode for an hour in a narrow valley, following the torrent upwards.
At seven hours and a half we entered Wady Zogag, a narrow valley of gentle ascent, full of loose stones, and overgrown with acacia-trees.
We began to cross the lower branches of the Djebel Essheikh, at the foot of which Katana is situated, and after an hour and a quarter came to Bir Karme, likewise called El Redhouan, a spring in a narrow valley.
A narrow valleyleads up from Szalt towards the Mezar Osha, which I have already mentioned.
The road ascends through a narrow valley, called Akabet Feraein, and passes by the spring of Feraein (Arabic).
We made a noon camp on Brule, and stopped at night in a narrow valley, between the hills.
We commenced our march at seven this morning, proceeding up a narrow valley, bordering our encampment in a north-easterly direction.
Teddy and I ran up a yard near the old hut in Narrow Valley.
She sat watching him, a mist of awe and joy and thankfulness gathering in her eyes, because it seemed to her that a miracle had been accomplished that night in Narrow Valley hut.
After breakfast they started, and began to climb the mountain behind the house, following a steep trail which led up the side of a deep, narrow valley, down which a large brook flowed.
There is a narrow valley there, and we go up that, and then over the hill and down into the basin, where the ranch is.
Llewelyn himself was attacked and slain, unarmed, in a narrow valley, not two hundred yards from the scene of action.
On the left we discovered a narrow valley, extending as far as the mountains of the Guacharo, and covered with a thick forest.
It was situated in a narrow valley, where we felt the enjoyment of a cool and delicious climate, in the centre of the torrid zone.
At this point the traveller enters the narrow valley of Shechem, or Sychar, as it is termed in the New Testament, overhung on either side by the two mountains Gerizim and Ebal.
The city is situated in a narrow valley, on both sides of the river.
Jumilla occupies part of a narrow valley, enclosed by mountains.
Below, and to his left, was a narrow valley, in which stood green timber, and among the green timber much that was dead and much that was down.
He had gone only a mile or two when, passing over the shoulder of the foot-hills, he found himself coming down into a narrow valley, in which pretty little meadows were interspersed with clumps of cottonwoods and willows.
At length, the trail again passed out of the timber into a narrow valley, and a sharp climb brought them to a place where water seemed to be flowing down hill both before and behind them.
It lay about a mile up a narrow valley, running into the larger one.
At the mouth of a narrow valley he stopped, examined the ground carefully, and then led the way up it, carrying his rifle in readiness across the peak of the saddle.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "narrow valley" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.