And behold rising up very early in the morning, they went up to the top of the mountain, and said: We are ready to go up to the place, of which the Lord hath spoken: for we have sinned.
And we, before he come near, are ready to kill him.
I don't mean to say what it is until we are ready to leave the table.
Then we are readyto help others, and care less to hinder any, because nobody's elbows are in our way.
Ay, ay, sir, that is what I expect from every vessel, at all times; and more especially when we are ready to meet an enemy.
Some eight or ten poor fellows, I believe, Sir Gervaise; but we are ready to engage this instant.
We are ready to begin, as soon as the order shall be received.
We shall never have what is called socialism until there is no longer any necessity for it, until men, of their owe free will, are ready to renounce selfish, personal ambition and power and work for humanity, for the state.
If you are willing to undertake this fight against consolidation," said Mr. Balch, "we are ready to talk business with you.
Men of this type, who could be leaders, are ready to assume their responsibilities, are ready to deal fairly with railroads and citizens alike.
The people understand this well, and are ready to sacrifice themselves for us, when they see that we are ready to give up our own will to the law.
We know that you have armed a vast host against us, and we are ready to buy peace and liberty by a yearly tribute.
Leave us in peace and freedom and we are ready to give every year five thousand swift horses of the desert, besides the yearly tribute of gold; we will also come to the help of the Persian nation when threatened by any serious danger.
We know that well enough," said Araspes, "and yet we are ready to swear by Mithras, that we have not left Bartja or his garden one moment since we came back from hunting.
The multifarious contrivances become quite startling, until we are readyto lose our reckoning in the very multiplicity of facts narrated.
We are ready to see what effect this has on the telephone receiver.
Now we have several methods of varying capacity and inductance and therefore we are ready to vary the frequency of our audion oscillator; that is, "tune" it, as we say.
Now weare ready to study the receiving circuit of Fig.
A surprise; now we are ready; 'el hombre prevenido nunca fue vencido.
The 1st January leaves not many days to wait now, and we are ready.
Now we are ready, and have an army; I for my part wish only one thing, that they may make up their minds to advance from Ensenada upon the city, and so give me a chance of meeting them in the open field.
The grenadiers might have answered, "Yes; and therefore we are ready to die.
If so, "humanitarians" are ready to hold up both hands in favour of deer-forests.
We are not so meek that we are ready to kiss the hand that smites us.
Come on, you dirty cowards; weare ready for ye," the answering shout.
Oh, never mind, admiral, we are readyto pay him now," Tom replied.
Twenty-eight hands, you say, are ready to obey orders.
We are ready to return to our duty, sir, whether we are satisfied or not," added Raymond.
We shall be able to give you an Answer to every Part of it some Time this Afternoon, and we will let you know when we are ready.
We are so well pleased with this good Faith of you our Brethren of the Six Nations, and your Regard to the Treaties made with Virginia, that we are ready to hear you on the Subject of your Message eight years since.
In the mean time, we are ready to settle and liquidate the accounts according to our instructions at any time, and in any manner which his Majesty and your Excellency shall point out to us.
We take this opportunity to inform you, Sir, that we are ready to confer with Roderique Hortalez & Co.
Let a Gideon appear, or a David, or a Maccabaeus, and we are ready.
We have your swords, and we are ready now to draw them and strike for freedom; and so is Galilee.
Now we are ready to use these parts of speech in the building of sentences.
We are ready to make practical application of this knowledge in writing and speaking.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "are ready" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.