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Example sentences for "must just"

  • If you had waited till the right time, we would have been in London, where it is easy to fit out a princess; but I must just write to Edinburgh.

  • My dear, I suppose it must just be that," said Miss Jean.

  • I must just try to scramble home the best way I can.

  • We must just go supperless to bed, I suppose.

  • We must just be as friendly as we can to her, and try and win her confidence, and if she won't give it, wait until the man turns up for his money, which he will soon do if she does not pay up.

  • It has been a great thing for her your sister making friends with her; but it must just go as far as you wish out of school,' said Doreen's mother.

  • Oh I forgot Doreen; I must just go and tell her how glad we are to see nursie.

  • But we must just do the best we can," she added, wiping her eyes with her apron.

  • I must just go back to the office," she said, in a queer voice.

  • I must just--" She affected to search for something on the mantelpiece.

  • If she will not let me take my own way, I must just throw it all up and go abroad.

  • He must just try to be grateful for a clear line of action.

  • He must just welter on, a figure visibly touched by depression and ill-fortune, and hammering out the old grammar-grind.

  • Well, you have given me a lot to think of, Howard; I must just take it all away and think it over.

  • She dragged on with the boy till he had been confirmed, and then she said she couldn't feed him any longer, he must just go out and earn his own bread.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "must just" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    first edition; interior finish; must ask; must confess; must fall; must find; must give and hazard; must leave; must love; must marry; must mention; must read; must recollect; must remark; must remember; must see; must seek; must show; must soon; must stay; must strive; must take; must talk; must wait; soon found; thousand rupees