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Example sentences for "another hour"

  • Ten minutes without wind, or five with it, would suffice to wrap the whole immense magazine in flames, and not a hundredth part of the value of building and contents would remain at the close of another hour.

  • The order to embark is given; our good ship Baltic is ready; another hour and I shall have left England and this Continent, probably for ever.

  • Another hour passed, and then far away on the edge of the white circle, which was lighted by the rays of a sinking moon, I saw a moving speck, and one of the troopers shouted.

  • In another hour I'd have been rustling for the Great Republic.

  • In another hour, we could distinguish a minaret or two, and finally, walls and the stately domes of mosques.

  • In another hour we reached a fountain near the village of Kümbeh, and pitched our tents for the night.

  • Another hour passed by, and yet another, and the Bey was still occupied in sleeping off his hunger.

  • The climb was a severe one but, in another hour, they came out upon a flat plateau.

  • Another hour passed, and some of the Malays declared that they could hear a sound as of many men moving.

  • Another hour passed, and they were within a mile and a half of the shore.

  • Within two leagues of Pampeluna he followed a retiring army, and in another hour would be in communication with that fortress.

  • She's been driving to leeward since, and she'd have been ashore in another hour if we hadn't fallen in with you.

  • Another hour went by, and the tension grew worse to bear when a jagged and fissured slope of rock rose under their lee-bow scarcely half a mile away.

  • We wouldn't have done it in another hour, Lindstrom," he said.

  • I am away on leave this day--should have been gone in another hour--and that is to smooth it over, for my selling out.

  • Half the town is getting up by this time, and the whole town will be broad awake in another hour.

  • When one strikes, there's another hour gone, and it's worth a thousand pound now instead of a hundred.

  • Another hour passed, and the woman appeared again bearing a letter.

  • Another hour passed, and there came a knock on the door.

  • Another hour went by, and once more the street door was opened with a key, to be carefully shut when the visitor had entered.

  • Anxious to atone for his past neglect without another hour's delay, he straightway walked upstairs to Mr. Pickwick, and requested leave of absence for this laudable purpose.

  • That wretch would have married me by violence in another hour.

  • And at another hour, saith another philosopher; Put your little finger in your ears!

  • And at another hour, saith another philosopher; Put your hand before your mouth!

  • And at another hour, saith another philosopher; Put your hand upon your head!

  • Another hour took us to the baths of Tiberias; the heat very great, and by our roadside there was a whole mountain with its dry yellow grass and weeds on fire.

  • Another hour brought us to Asdood (Ashdod) of the Philistines, with Atna and Bait Duras on our left.

  • In another hour we reached the ruins of Abu Sabbakh, from which we had Remmoon visible on our right.

  • Still traversing green undulations with wooded hills to the right and left, in another hour we were at a small place called Neab, where the scenery suddenly changed for stony hills and valleys.

  • Another hour and he should be within striking distance.

  • Another hour and we'll stop and make a pot of coffee and find a creek where we can soak our feet for awhile.

  • He knew that he was gaining steadily and if the rain would only hold off another hour, he should have his quarry.

  • And at another hour, seythe another philosophre, Puttethe zoure litille fynger in zoure eres.

  • In another hour I think we may venture to start again.

  • But matters began to go easier and easier, for at the end of another hour's tramp they suddenly emerged from the mist, coming out below it, and after a few more dozen steps seeing it like a roof high above their heads.

  • In another hour, they reached the encampment.

  • In another hour we shall reach my comrades.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "another hour" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another account; another article; another bird; another branch; another cause; another connection; another day; another hour; another letter; another life; another little; another manner; another minute; another nature; another proof; another river; another sense; another side; another sign; another source; another specimen; another stewpan; another time; another week; another when; strong odor