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Example sentences for "mitrailleuses"

Lexicographically close words:
mitlite; mitosis; mitotic; mitout; mitrailleuse; mitral; mitre; mitred; mitres; mits
  1. On the German left mitrailleuses got in their work behind, and in the houses on the outskirts of the villages.

  2. There others were digging and burying logs deep in the earth, installing shelters and mitrailleuses or feverishly building fortifications.

  3. Our seventy-fives fell among them, and then the mitrailleuses entered into action.

  4. As we drew past the windmill, which was on a knoll in the descent from Mont Valérien, we came upon the French reserves, massed by regiments behind the artillery and mitrailleuses which lined the crest of the hill we were on.

  5. We passed Trochu and staff, who saluted us, and we wound down the hill, with the infantry before us, and the cannon and mitrailleuses behind us bellowing over our heads.

  6. At two in the morning all was ready; the long train began to move; the cannon of 7 and the mitrailleuses of Commandant Pothier took the lead.

  7. General d'Exea, while this combat was going on, marched with a brigade on Creteil, and inflicted a severe loss with his mitrailleuses on the enemy.

  8. The mitrailleuses were at work now, spitting out bullets.

  9. Then, quick as lightning, the Germans got their mitrailleuses across the ground which we had yielded to them and waited for us to come on again, when they repeated the same operation.

  10. It is quite untrue to say that the Germans have a greater number of mitrailleuses than the French.

  11. Then suddenly their line of retreat was cut off, the three bridges were blown up by a contact mine, and the mitrailleuses hidden in the houses were played on the German cavalry across the streets, killing them in a frightful slaughter.

  12. Their artillery was silent, however; and from this fact the German artillery officers grew jubilant, confidently asserting that their Krupp guns had dismounted the French batteries and knocked their mitrailleuses to pieces.

  13. The soldiers began by aiming at the most mutinous; but as this procedure did not seem sufficiently expeditious, mitrailleuses were advanced, which fired into the crowd.

  14. We have two mitrailleuses above the terre-plein to sweep at once the moat and the glacis.

  15. Holes opened and mitrailleuses appeared, some of which were discharged.

  16. Fifty ordnance pieces, cannon, and mitrailleuses drawn up along the facade served as the chevaux de frise of the town hall.

  17. Eighty-five cannon and about twenty mitrailleuses were lying there, dirty, pell-mell, and no one during these eight weeks had even thought of cleaning them.

  18. The Committee on that very morning placarded: "The transport of mitrailleuses to the mairie of the second arrondissement compels us to maintain our resolution.

  19. More than fifty cannon and mitrailleuses were levelled at the Butte aux Cailles; for, despairing of taking it by assault, Cissey wished to crush it with his artillery.

  20. A heavy battery of the latter had already driven away the French mitrailleuses in front of Pontlieue.

  21. It had taken up a position near Ardenay, occupying the chateau on the right, and on the left posting four guns and two mitrailleuses near La Butte.

  22. Four mitrailleuses and eight guns, some of them with their entire teams, fell thus into the hands of the Anhalters.

  23. And when now the 1st Battalion of the 56th Regiment advanced from Point du Jour, its drums beating the charge, the French carried away their mitrailleuses and evacuated Les Mortes Aures.

  24. A battery of Montigny mitrailleuses passed, grotesque, hump-backed little engines of destruction.

  25. Even as it is they have found enough rifles to arm themselves, but so far we have saved the mitrailleuses and the field artillery.

  26. The mitrailleuses flared red below and the skies flared blue above.

  27. He patted the three mitrailleuses in turn.

  28. You must pardon me," I said suavely and still provocatively, "but I have been among the chimneys of the Chateau Schneider when the mitrailleuses were talking.

  29. Then came the splitting growl of the mitrailleuses behind us.

  30. The natural consequence was that the mitrailleuses were taken into battle by officers and men of whom nine-tenths had never seen them fire one round of live cartridges.

  31. The Prussians, who had examined mitrailleuses of the Gatling or infantry type, were well aware that the artillery machine-gun was at the least a most formidable opponent.

  32. The design and manufacture of these mitrailleuses under the personal orders and at the expense of the emperor enabled the French authorities to keep their new weapon most secret.

  33. The two German mitrailleuses were unperceived by the advancing French, and as the French passed them in flank, the mitrailleuses opened fire; at the same moment the Germans suddenly fired a scattering rifle volley.

  34. A hundred paces to the right of this German skirmish line, two mitrailleuses had been skillfully thrust forward some fifty yards in advance, and concealed in small trenches hurriedly dug.

  35. Additional barricades were thrown up on the two converging streets, part way up the hill, behind which they had mitrailleuses which could sweep the road at the other end of the bridge.

  36. The bullets from the mitrailleuses whistled across the bridge into the front ranks of the "Deutchland über alles" singers, while the men behind the bridge barricade began a deadly rifle fire.

  37. The Krupp guns, mitrailleuses and gatlings went off at a terrible rate, and volleys succeeded each other, second for second, from five in the morning till half-past nine.

  38. They are armed with mitrailleuses or small, non-recoil cannon, but on account of their low speed their daylight flights are attended by "escadrilles de chasse.

  39. Their mitrailleuses came next, brought back from the front to accompany the gallant regiment on this occasion.

  40. This is a brief period of instruction at the Mitrailleuses School at Casso, where, on the shores of the long lake, the French army has established an ideal range for the training of its pointers.

  41. The Insurgents in the Rue de Rivoli and the garden of the Tuileries were using mitrailleuses and rifles, and the troops along the Boulevard at the edge of the Place des Invalides, close to the river, were attacking them with four-pounder guns.

  42. The number of cannon and mitrailleuses taken was very considerable, amounting to some hundreds.

  43. Forts Montrouge and Vanves have been reduced to silence by a battery of mitrailleuses established on a parapet of Issy, which picks off Federal artillerymen when they show themselves.

  44. The fire of the Insurgents is much weaker than it was yesterday and the day before, except at Vaugirard, and from there to Montrouge, where mitrailleuses and musketry were brought into requisition.

  45. It was a last shot at the fugitive, from a gun hidden in one of those quiet provincial gardens between the houses; and its secret presence there was more startling than all the clatter of mitrailleuses from the rock.

  46. With an incessant rattle of mitrailleuses and rifle-fire, the Belgians mowed down the German troops as they advanced in solid ranks, so that on each of those eight times the enemy's attack was broken and destroyed.

  47. Then quick as lightning the Germans got their mitrailleuses across the ground which we had yielded to them, and waited for us to come on again; when they repeated the same operation.

  48. Mitrailleuses were at work now spitting out bullets.

  49. The three bridges were blown up by contact mines, and the mitrailleuses hidden in the houses were played on to the German cavalry across the streets, killing them in a frightful slaughter.

  50. Here they had erected formidable works, and were reported to be hard at work mounting guns and mitrailleuses there.

  51. The din was terrific, three or four of the French mitrailleuses were adding to the roar, and sending streams of bullets into the advancing Germans.

  52. Artillerymen were spiking their guns, some ran them into the river, some hammered the mitrailleuses out of shape with pickaxes.

  53. And now, nearer than they could have believed, the crash of volley firing mingled with the whirring crackle of gatlings and the spattering rattle of Montigny mitrailleuses from the Guard artillery.

  54. The cannon that he passed, with the exception of the Montigny mitrailleuses and the American gatlings, were all beautiful pieces, bronzed and engraved with crown and LN and eagle, but for all their beauty they were only muzzle-loaders.

  55. Our mitrailleuses were a complete surprise to the enemy.

  56. Supreme General Hushnoly had fully armed the various battalions with mitrailleuses and electric spears, and had furnished all with electric wings.

  57. Professor Rackiron agreed, if furnished with men and materials, to turn out sufficient hand mitrailleuses to arm one hundred thousand wayleals in less than a month.

  58. She pelted away with her guns and mitrailleuses at the new fort at a thousand-yard range.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mitrailleuses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.