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Example sentences for "minuter"

Lexicographically close words:
minute; minuted; minutely; minutemen; minuteness; minutes; minutest; minutiae; minuts; minx
  1. In addition to these large bodies, four small ones are seen, two positive and two negative, the positive containing five and the negative four minuter spots.

  2. It is composed entirely of spirals, the spiral being in its turn composed of spirillæ, and these again of minuter spirillæ.

  3. No species has become extinct; and even the minuter characteristics of distinct varieties remain legible still.

  4. I have not had so many opportunities of estimating the minuter propensities of his mind, his inclinations and tastes, as you have; but I have the highest opinion in the world of his goodness and sense.

  5. But of his minuter propensities, as you call them you have from peculiar circumstances been kept more ignorant than myself.

  6. In considering these minuter points, we must never lose sight of the extraordinary perseverance shown by the Marquis throughout a long life, in conducting and varying his experimental inquiries.

  7. The minuter details of construction will be obvious to any clever artizan.

  8. Though minuter than the point of a hair, yet it encompasses the whole earth (as its boundary line); and the seven oceans that encircle the earth with their vests, cannot gird the great Infinity.

  9. The study of the minuter forms of insect life, including Parasites, Thysanura, Mallophaga, the newly hatched of most insects, etc.

  10. In the examination of the minuter forms of insect life the naked eye is not sufficient, and a hand-lens, or, for more delicate work, the compound microscope will be found necessary.

  11. In order to throw still further light upon the import of propositions of which the terms are abstract, we will subject one of the examples given above to a minuter analysis.

  12. What is more, the minuter examination which that higher order of empirical laws presupposes, being applied to the subject-matter of these, not only does not confirm but actually refutes them.

  13. It is the minuter points that show the finish of an artist; and such symmetry of construction as appears in The Merchant of Venice is not likely to characterise a dramatist who sacrifices plot to character-painting.

  14. Science, like every other product of the human mind, marks its progress by continuous differentiation: the perpetual subdivision of the field of enquiry, the rise of separate and ever minuter departments as time goes on.

  15. But there are yet minuter objects and more trifling anxieties.

  16. The words already noticed were written with pen and ink, but on minuter scrutiny, I deciphered on the outside, scrawled with a pencil, and nearly illegible, a sentence which was apparently designed as a postscript to the note.

  17. Any ulterior and minuter analysis must be left to metaphysics; which in this, as in other parts of our mental nature, decides what are ultimate facts, and what are resolvable into other facts.

  18. Until this examination has worked out toward a wider collection and in toward a minuter scrutiny of details, inference is deferred.

  19. Illustration] Among minuter relics belonging to the same period, the dentated bronze ring figured here, from the original in the Museum of the Scottish Antiquaries, is worthy of some note from the rarity of such objects in Britain.

  20. The arms and armour are no less characteristic of the medieval than of earlier periods, and are not without minuter national details well worthy of note.

  21. It differs very considerably from the original brooch in the minuter details.

  22. Into the minuter details of wambeys, gambeson, panzar, &c.

  23. That thing now at which the distinction of whole and parts stops and which marks the limit of division into minuter parts is the atom.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "minuter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.