Villainous-looking little tugs, with sinister green lights, belch black smoke which mingles with the white steam and yellow smoke from the funnels of the large boats.
Through the clerestory a chill light mingles with the yellow gleam of the electric burners below, and the little building is full of soft shadows, picturesque vistas, and mystery.
It is a bleak, bitter day in November, and the whistling of the winds through the crevices, mingles with the howl of hungry wolves in the woods close by.
The author mingles her descriptions with anecdotes illustrative of the different qualities and dispositions of the various fairy folk described.
Thy voice in my ear still mingles With the voices of whisp'ring trees, Thy kiss on my cheek still tingles At each kiss of the summer breeze.
But sadness mingles with my selfish joy, At thought of what you may be called to bear.
With his kicks of rage he suddenly mingles a dance of apprehension lest his mother should have tears in her eyes.
The weather darkens the line and defines it, or mingles it with the raining cloud; or softly dims it, or blackens it against a gleam of narrow sunshine in the sky.
We recognise Nietzsche in Dostoievsky's "the old morality of the old slave man," and a genuine poet in "the secret of the earth mingles with the mystery of the stars.
Schoenberg is, I said to myself, the crudest of all composers, for he mingles with his music sharp daggers at white heat, with which he pares away tiny slices of his victim's flesh.
A faint odour of incense wanders here and there among the shrubs, and mingles with the fragrance of flowers upon the terraces.
I loved with the desire of a love that knows what it seeks; which feeds in advance on coming transports, and is content with the pleasures of the soul because it mingles with them others which the future keeps in store.
On the opposite shore your eye is attracted to a chasm between high rocks, where the river Canimar comes forth through banks of romantic beauty--so they are described to me--and mingles with the sea.
THE PAYS DE CAUX The whole coast-line northeast from Havre to the borders of Picardy is a delightful succession of villages and towns where the salt smell of the sea mingles with the odours of wild flowers.
These two pieces are distinguished for their calm energy, which mingles no insult, no indication of passion, with the expression of unshaken resolution.
Why to yon mountain turns the musing eye, Whose sunbright summit mingles with the sky?
There my retreat the best companions grace, Chiefs out of war, and statesmen out of place; There St. John mingleswith my friendly bowl, The feast of reason and the flow of soul.
Then the sound of men's feet on the rocks mingles with the words of command.
A puff of smoke comes out of the now immovable bush, and the report mingleswith the roar of battle.
All night long the Modoc yell mingles with the rattle of musketry, and the shouts of defiance from the soldiers.
Then begin the terrific manifestations of the control of a guilty conscience over both mind and body, when the memory, alive to certain terrible facts, plays fantastic tricks with itself, and mingles delusions with realities.
It mingles Diogenes, Job, and Jack-pudding, dresses up a spectre in old numbers of the Constitutional, and makes Chodruc Duclos.
True history being a mixture of all things, the true historian mingles in everything.
Nature sometimes mingles her effects and her spectacles with our actions with sombre and intelligent appropriateness, as though she desired to make us reflect.
Voluptuousness mingles there with its sweet tiny point, while it hides itself.
It was promised the Initiate at Samothrace, that he should become pure and just Clemens says that by baptism, souls are illuminated, and led to the pure light with which mingles no darkness, nor anything material.
It is a rill from the infinite, overflowing goodness; and from the moment when it first gushes up into the light, to that when it mingles with the ocean of Eternity, that Goodness attends it and ministers to it.
Of happiness that mingles with our fate, Is of such fleeting, transitory date 1 Our loves!
Not fully paid, nor shall be so, until The last poor son of earth mingles with dust!
This active mind, infused thro all the space, Unites and mingles with the mighty mass.
In the lost battle, 170 Borne down by the flying, Where mingles war's rattle With groans of the dying.
If other testimony were wanting, these sentences would prove the gravely philosophical temper of Montaigne's mind, notwithstanding the flippant confessions of frailty which he mingles sometimes so incongruously with the reflections of a sage.
Intense longing for fellowshipmingles with intense longing to be alone.
And gentle reproach mingles in the special word spoken to Peter.
Taken unawares, poor Peter mingles a lie with the denial.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mingles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.