At Glastonbury we find the chief shepherd so important a person that he was party to an agreement concerning a considerable quantity of land.
The great forest of Andredesweald, though much diminished, still covered a large part of Sussex, and the Chiltern district in Bucks and Oxfordshire was thick with woods which hid many a robber.
Where trade schools do not offer such training, there are opportunities for apprentice work for girls] The possibilities for apprentice work with dressmakers or milliners or in other handwork should also be made known.
For "fashion is essentially caprice; and fashion in dress the caprice of milliners and tailors, with whom recherche and exaggeration supply the place of education and principle.
They informed us that the first three milliners had escaped when the bombardment began, and before their restaurant had been blown up.
We wondered whether themilliners had escaped, and somewhat depressed, drove along in search of another restaurant.
The men who write books and paint pictures have no more direct influence upon an epoch than the tailors who build coats and the milliners who make gowns.
Fifine and Clarisse, young millinersof the students' district, had punctured this terrible motto on his manly right arm.
Even playing at ball, if milliners and shop-girls had room to indulge in one after their sedentary work, might bring fresh spirits to many a heart, and fresh colour to many a cheek.
The milliners had been disobliging and suspicious in their bearing to her.
The austere and suspicious milliners may well have asked themselves these and half-a-hundred other questions.
Certainly in her circumspection the sixteen-years-young gentlewoman gave the grim and vigilant milliners no grounds for speaking of her with disapproval, apart from the fact that she continued to share the same parlour with Mr. Hogg.
Never leaving the house, she put it beyond the power of the austere milliners to accuse her of going about the town in pursuit of pleasure.
And thus life à la mode, instead of being life conducted in the most rational manner, is life regulated by spendthrifts and idlers, milliners and tailors, dandies and silly women.
The fact is that even their dressing-brains are turned over to their French milliners and lady's-maids.
Two or three first-class milliners could find employment in Sacramento, California.
Bon Ton, told me their fashion magazines have a circulation of three thousand, mostly among milliners and dress makers.
But the length of time required of their employés by milliners and dress makers in London is longer than in the United States.
I have been told that in Holland men millinersare common.
In his factory, some tailoresses, and girls that sew formilliners and dress makers, get employment until the busy seasons of their trades come round.
Milliners often come to the city, and spend two weeks trying to get hands, and then pay them more than they are worth to go.
Of straw bonnets, one million two hundred thousand are sold annually to the milliners of New York for their trade alone.
Western merchants do not purchase as much as formerly in New York, because milliners have gone West.
The time milliners and dress makers spend at their work is such as to preclude (except in a few first-class establishments) any time for exercise and mental culture.
The cruelty exercised by some milliners and dress makers toward those in their employ, by requiring of them too long and severe application, is very great.
For bothmilliners and modistes was the keen ambition to develop a talent, and the workroom, as has already been stated, felt personal pride in any member of the force who showed special lightness of touch or skill in combination.
The play began with half a dozen milliners chattering and sewing round a table.
After a few moments, my friend gave a prodigious yawn, and declared he was going home, "for you might as well sit down and see a parcel of real milliners at work as this play.
Eden had but recently returned to town and the claims of mantua-makers and milliners were oppressive.
And now, on descending the stairs, she was in great good spirits again, the crimes of mantua-makers and milliners were forgotten, and she prepared to meet her husband and her guest.
Booksellers and milliners lived on terms of mutual understanding.
In the daytime milliners and booksellers enjoyed a monopoly of the place; towards nightfall it was filled with women of the town.
I recollect getting three young milliners to sit to me, when I first began to paint, and I remember that they were all very pale and sickly.
Among the women members we hear of lodges for tailoresses, milliners and miscellaneous workers.
A fairly well-organised strike of London milliners in the first week in May, or of hotel servants and waitresses along the south coast, say about the last week in July, would probably be irresistible.
Supposing we were to join Miss Halliday, and bemilliners in real earnest.
Like many stout, elderly ladies, she loved bright colours, and was by no means amenable to her milliners suggestions, and Blanche's misgivings were great as to the desirability of Lady Harriot in the shape of an advertisement.
The season getting on too, more work coming in than I can manage, not daring to refuse any, for fear of it getting about, and leading to some other milliners starting!