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Example sentences for "millimeters"

Lexicographically close words:
milligram; milligramme; milligrammes; milligrams; millimeter; millimetre; millimetres; milliner; milliners; millinery
  1. Males attain a maximum size several millimeters larger than that of females.

  2. Measurements in Millimeters and Weights in Grams of Eggs in the Same Clutch at Different Stages During Their Incubation, Showing Gradual Increase in Size.

  3. This feed-water heater consists of a large cast iron cylinder, 400 millimeters in internal diameter, and 1.

  4. The two steam ports are 45 millimeters and the exhaust port 84 millimeters in diameter.

  5. The exhaust from the small cylinder enters the heater through a pipe, r, 140 millimeters in diameter.

  6. The exhaust is effected through an orifice 84 millimeters in diameter.

  7. It consisted of a little arrangement that fitted over the forearm, and was attached by a tube to a dial that registered in millimeters a column of mercury.

  8. You see one hundred and twenty- five millimeters is the normal pressure.

  9. They express the pressure or tension in millimeters of mercury, just as the atmospheric pressure is expressed in millimeters of mercury.

  10. A male, shot there, measured 560 millimeters in total length.

  11. It was 300 millimeters from the ground and so compactly made as to support its own weight.

  12. Corpora lutea are approximately eight millimeters in diameter and are easily discernible at least until the eggs are laid; they are somewhat less distinct after preservation.

  13. Examination of yolks of oviducal eggs revealed that follicles mature when they reach a diameter of 16 to 20 millimeters and a weight of two to two and one-half grams (Pl.

  14. Embryos at fifteen days, measured in a straight line from cephalic flexure to posteriormost portion of body, were approximately nine to ten millimeters long and at 22 days were 14 millimeters long.

  15. Stones up to seven millimeters in diameter were found in many stomachs; stones constituted as much as half of total stomach-contents.

  16. In the laboratory, 48 eggs increased by an average of approximately three grams in weight and three millimeters in width over the entire period of incubation; increase in width coincided with decrease in length.

  17. One individual began hatching on November 11 and was completely out of the egg shell next day; the yolk sac was 15 millimeters in diameter, protruded six millimeters from the umbilical opening, and hindered the hatchling's movements.

  18. Splinter scars result from minor abrasions that damage a few square millimeters of the shell.

  19. In this table measurements are given both in millimeters and in inches, in order to accommodate itself to the use of those chemists employing a millimeter stage micrometer, or those employing the English or inch system.

  20. Young cottonmouths increase nearly 50 millimeters in length by the first spring if they inhabit warm areas and feed in autumn or winter.

  21. The fang entered just under the fingernail and was directed downward, the venom being injected about five millimeters below the site of fang penetration.

  22. One or two sets are less than three millimeters in length, and large ova that soon are to be ovulated are present.

  23. Two males were more than 850 millimeters long.

  24. Individuals less than 450 millimeters in snout-vent length are considered as immature.

  25. What volume does it occupy at 0 degrees C and 760 millimeters pressure?

  26. Each element of a battery was composed of nineteen plates, of which nine were positive, four millimeters thick, and ten negative, three millimeters thick.

  27. From this node "the excitation wave is conducted radially along the muscular strands at a uniform rate of about a thousand millimeters per second to all portions of the auricular musculature.

  28. Of course it should be recognized that the systolic pressure thus obtained will generally be some millimeters above that obtained with the finger, perhaps the average being equivalent to about 5 mm.

  29. In one male of this series a strip approximately four millimeters wide extending along the mid-dorsal line from between the shoulders to the rump is mostly devoid of hair.

  30. Las Vigas, Veracruz, in January, and six millimeters in M.

  31. Blythe, Riverside County, California, in May, eight millimeters in M.

  32. In addition, the depth of the culmen averages two millimeters less in the subspecies in the Marquesas.

  33. The part which is most bowed through geotropism lies at a distance of several millimeters from [page 535] the apex.

  34. The temperature fell still further when the pressure on the liquid oxygen was reduced to nine millimeters of mercury.

  35. Liquefied nitrogen, when allowed to evaporate under a pressure of sixty millimeters of mercury, gave a temperature of -214° C.

  36. Though the pressure was reduced still further to four millimeters of mercury, yet the oxygen remained liquid.

  37. Aethalium from a few millimeters to several centimeters in extent.

  38. The plasmodiocarp forms very much flattened irregular patches from a few to several millimeters in length or extent.

  39. Growing on old wood and bark in small patches of a few millimeters to a centimeter or more in extent.

  40. This only lasts through a few millimeters fall when a murmur is added and the tone becomes louder.

  41. This so-called law is that in pneumonia the systolic pressure in millimeters should remain above the figure for the pulse rate.

  42. A few millimeters more of drop in pressure and a clear, sharp, loud tone is audible.

  43. Most of the apparatuses make use of a column of mercury in a U-tube to record the millimeters of pressure.

  44. The glass tube was marked off in centimeters and millimeters and for convenience was jointed half way in its length.

  45. However, no amount of practice can more than approximate the tension and when one is surest that he can tell how many millimeters of pressure there are, he is apt to be farthest wrong when he checks his guess with the sphygmomanometer.

  46. One of these was eight millimeters long, this being about the size of those which the wasp herself had caught, while the other was of another species and much larger, being thirty millimeters long.

  47. We found that the egg of the wasp, which was seven millimeters long, and rather slender, was placed on the under face of the thorax at a right angle to its length, and parallel with the femur of the second leg.

  48. The spider was sixteen millimeters long and wide in proportion, while the wasp was but thirteen millimeters long and very slender, so that the weight of the spider was at least three times that of its captor.

  49. From the shoulders, which are from 4 to 7 centimeters apart, it may taper uniformly to a point; much more commonly, however, it tapers gradually to within about 25 millimeters of the extremity.

  50. A very effective and easily made arrow consists of a piece of bamboo about 85 centimeters long and 3 to 4 millimeters in diameter, with a sharp tapering point.

  51. At the eighth mark a hole about 8 millimeters in diameter is cut or burned in the bamboo.

  52. They are rectangular in cross section, being about 6 millimeters by 6 millimeters.

  53. Women wear at festal periods and especially during dances a few rings[10] of stout brass wire some 6 millimeters in diameter.

  54. This is a disk of wood[2] about 3 centimeters in diameter, and 6 millimeters wide, with a small groove around the edge in which rests the edge of the ear perforation.

  55. The girdle is made by braiding the nito or the hair into circular cords, each about 45 centimeters in length and about 2 millimeters in width.

  56. In the center it is about 30 millimeters broad and gradually tapers to a breadth of about 12 millimeters at each end.

  57. The shaft of this arrow consists of a reed of bamboo[6] about 8 millimeters in diameter and somewhat over a meter long, with a bamboo head.

  58. The bowstring is nearly always a strip of rattan about 3 millimeters broad.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "millimeters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.