But the foundations of the millstone system were not seriously disturbed till 1877, when a party of leading British and Irish millers visited Vienna and Budapest with the object of studying roller milling in its native home.
But engineers have done their best to meet this weak point, and by their assistance he is able to compete under almost all conditions with the millers of the whole world.
It is true that American millers were rather quicker to copy Hungarian milling methods so far as gradual reduction was concerned.
This is the matter which millers call "crease dirt.
But Hungarian milling was not then automatic in the sense in which British millersunderstand the word.
By 1885 many of the leading British millers had installed full roller plants, and in the succeeding ten years small roller plants were installed in many country mills.
The flour producing middlings must not be confounded with the variety of wheat offal which is also known to many English millers as middlings.
The length of the flour yield taken by British millers varies in different parts of the kingdom, because demand varies.
An exclusive privilege formerly claimed by millers of grrinding all the corn used within the manor or township which the mill stands.
The girls and theMillers were on the screened porch, waiting anxiously.
Barby, Jan, and the Millers had a table directly under the tree in which the boys had waited in vain for the Blue Ghost, and had hidden from the night prowlers.
After an excellent breakfast of pancakes and genuine pepper-cured Virginia ham, Rick borrowed an empty jar from Mrs. Miller, checked all the flashlights available, and explained to the Millers the purpose of the trip.
He taxied to where the girls and the Millers were waiting, and killed the engine.
He had been responsible to a large extent for the Millers joining the Spindrift staff, since he had smuggled them out of Washington to Spindrift to escape the deadly electronic mind reader that had imperiled the scientist for weeks.
He couldn't believe the ghost was real, but Barby and the Millers were obviously convinced.
The Millers could think of none, but Mrs. Miller suggested that Belsely, their tenant, would know of anything new or unusual.
The Millers had remodeled it, keeping the charm of the old while adding the convenience of the new.
The Millers and the girls listened to their recital with mixed horror and relief that the effect of the cold had vanished so quickly.
Spring wheat patents rapidly rose to the first place in the market, and winter wheat millers waked up to find their vantage ground occupied by their hitherto contemned rivals.
The Hungarian system has, therefore, been greatly modified by American millers and milling engineers to adapt it to the requirements of mills of average capacity.
At Minneapolis, where themillers had an almost unlimited water power, and wheat at the lowest price, merchant milling was almost given up as impracticable.
Footnote 1: A paper read before the meeting of the Pennsylvania State Millers Association at Pittsburgh, Pa.
The millers of the more Eastern winter wheat States have a two-fold question to solve.
The idea of gradual reduction milling was borrowed by our millers from the Hungarian mills.
That means a very small crop of western hard, and millers paying our own prices.
I was going to hold it myself, because I can occasionally get a little more from one or two millerswho like that special grade.
Nobody is offering grain, while you know what land lies fallow in Manitoba, and the activity of their brokers shows the fears of Winnipeg millers with contracts on hand.
Millers in St. Paul and Minneapolis are anxious already, and there is talk of a big corner in Chicago.
I have not lived in Meadowshire long, you know, and theMillers were moving into the house and furnishing it all last summer.
They say in their latest circular, “We have had thirteen years experience on Bran Dusters, and nearly eleven years of the time on our present Machine, and think we understand the wants of Millers in this line perfectly.
The feed wheel is turned, and all fitted up in same manner as the others, and suits more millers for custom and merchant mills than the other styles.
Old Dutch Anchor,” acknowledged by the most experienced mill-wrights and millers to be THE BEST.
All experienced millers are aware that the attainment of the above objects by a simple device is a very desirable achievement.
Millers as a rule know that a stone in standing balance is not always in running balance, and vice versa, yet they are well aware that a stone should be in both.
Most of the so-called close scouring machines that are now being urged upon millers are destitute of this important principle, and hence worthless.
The last reason we shall give is that this is, in all respects, the best wheat cleaning machine in the world; this to millers is an important consideration, and cannot well be overlooked.
The necessity among intelligent millers and mill-owners for a good and durable self-tramming driving iron is already well established.
Some millers utterly condemn the use of knockers on bolts, and, in reference to those commonly in use, we will agree with them in this.
We are sorry to be compelled to say that the millers are few that know how to correctly handle the red staff on the face of a mill stone.
It is no mistake, I make better flour--and my millers have discovered it--than any of the larger mills through this country.
Argument is no longer necessary to prove to intelligent millers the advantages of a cock-head mill over those having the runner stone secured rigid to the spindle.
My father and my grandfather were millers here for many a long year before me; and to tell the truth, I was reluctant to leave the old place.
No, my boy," said the minister at length; "I cannot tell why millers wear white caps.
Weel, sir," replied the young shaver, "millers wear white caps just to cover their heads.
Millers and bakers do not steal, people bring to them.
When the millers are making an uproar, do you tie up your sacks.
Port Jervis millers had their grain shipped from the West to Newburgh, a point fifty miles to the east of them, and then had it returned to Port Jervis on the same line, at a less rate than that charged for a direct shipment.
Illustration XVI: The flower-garden of China asters with border, one of the dustymillers (Centaurea).
A flower-garden of China asters, with border of one of the dusty millers (Centaurea).
Nitti says the millers were hoarding flour and caused the delay.
You will promise all the millers in Almas, Fuzito, and Izsaer double pay if they will grind your corn at once.
Millers and smugglers often came here; they helped me with the hard labor, and never did me any harm.
Timar bargained meanwhile with the millers for immediate grinding of the corn.
I did not get rid of it, as people fancied, to the millers and farmers, with a profit of a couple of groschen; but I had it baked into bread at once, which did not cost me half so much as if I had bought the very cheapest flour.
I will give the agents and millers their orders to-day, and you can scold and manage in my absence just as if I were there.
Stocks of wheat (and of flour expressed in its equivalent weight of wheat) are held by merchants, millers and farmers.
It has also been suggested that the State might subsidize millers to the extent of 2s.
Stocks of wheat and flour in the hands of millers and of flour held by bakers are termed second-hand stocks, while farmers' stocks only consist of native wheat.
Therefore all the proposals for providing national granaries or inducing merchants and millers to carry bigger stocks were put aside as unpractical and unnecessary.
A fair estimate of the stocks normally held by millers and bakers throughout the United Kingdom would be about four weeks' supply.
Varying estimates have been made of the number of weeks' supply of breadstuffs (wheat and flour) held by millers at various seasons of the year.
He went to the small parlour, but the three millers had to be got out first, and during the whole time necessary for laying the cloth, Binet remained silent in his place near the stove.
Christopher Shaw was here two days since, and told us that orders had come to occupy the millers dwelling-house for that purpose.
The millers now retired to the little habitation hard by.
Millers were required to remove the germs from their cereals and deliver them to the war department.
Ye breed of theMillers dog, ye lick your lips ere the poke be open.
Millers take ay the best Multar with their own Hand.
A London ordinance for millers who caused bread to be false prescribed for them to be carried in a tumbrel cart through certain streets, exposed to the derision of the people.
Millers bought harvested grain to make into flour.
A practical monopoly existed until the Eastern millers discovered that the process could be as well applied to the winter wheat of Minnesota as to the spring.
Just then one of the millers put down his tool and listened.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "millers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.