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Example sentences for "milk should"

  • As ordinarily handled at the dairy and in the home, milk should not be used for infants in winter after it is forty-eight hours old; in summer not after it is twenty-four hours old, and it may be unsafe in a much shorter time.

  • Directions for the removal of top-milk should be explicitly followed (see page 63), or the results will be very different from those expected.

  • Milk should then be heated for one hour upon two successive days, without removing the cotton stoppers from the bottles.

  • How fresh is it important that cow's milk should be for the best results in infant feeding?

  • Milk should never be drank cold, but at a temperature of about 100° F.

  • Cow’s milk should be dispensed with in artificially fed children, and broths substituted to which a portion of a fresh egg is added, previously thoroughly beaten with an egg beater; in very young children the yolk alone should be used.

  • Milk should not be kept in brass or copper vessels or in earthen-ware lined with lead glazing; for if the milk becomes acid, it is likely to unite with the metal and form a poisonous compound.

  • Canned corn finely chopped can be used, but two tablespoonfuls of milk should be added, as the corn is less moist.

  • Whether water or milk should be used for bread-making, depends upon taste and convenience.

  • Milk should be sterilized when intended for use on a long journey, and may be eaten as late as two or three days afterward.

  • Milk should be kept covered and protected from dust and flies; it should be kept in glass jars which have been sterilized by boiling before being filled, and then placed in the refrigerator.

  • Milk should be increased by quarter (1/4) ounce additions, and it should not be increased more than one ounce in one week; while the mixture should not be increased as long as the baby is gaining satisfactorily.

  • For a child under three months of age, cow's milk should be used as the only food.

  • Cow's milk should not be boiled, if it can be preserved in any other way.

  • At first, only diluted cow's milk should be given it occasionally between the times of nursing.

  • Bottled milk should be used for infants.

  • In the home, milk should not be used after long standing, even though it is sweet.

  • At feeding time, milk should be heated to about 98 degrees F.

  • If the attack is more severe and attended by fever and vomiting all food and milk should be stopped at once in children of all ages, and only broth, barley water or some thin gruel given.

  • Milk should be given every half hour, about two ounces at one time: or more if it agrees well.

  • Crackers or toast with a cup of milk should be served for the five o'clock supper, and another cup of milk at bedtime.

  • Milk should not be exposed to strong volatile odors.

  • If proper care has been taken, milk should be delivered to the factory fresh, clean and without the development of acid.

  • To be most satisfactory for all purposes, milk should be absolutely fresh.

  • Only the best quality of milk should be used, and, in addition, the greatest care should be taken to have all the bottles, utensils, and materials used as clean and sterile as it is possible to make them.

  • For this reason, milk should never be heated directly over the flame unless the intention is to boil it, and even if it must be boiled every precaution should be taken to prevent it from burning.

  • In the first month one part of milk should be added to sixteen of water, and the proportion of water should be gradually reduced as the infant becomes older.

  • Milk should be given in small quantities at short intervals, as in this way the stomach performs the entire work more thoroughly.

  • And hence if the mother's milk should be poor in these elements, it ought to be supplemented with cod-liver oil or other animal fat in small doses.

  • A small amount of skim-milk should be added to the whole milk the first day, and a corresponding amount of whole milk withheld.

  • The time covered in making the change from all whole to all skim-milk should be from one to two weeks.

  • The change from whole to skim-milk should be made gradually.

  • Milk should not be used very much in cooking.

  • The night's milk should be placed in spring or iced water higher than the milk on the inside of the can.

  • Milk should not be exposed to odorous substances, for it becomes tainted very quickly.

  • The cow's milk should be prepared as follows: Take equal parts of milk and water.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "milk should" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    change the; chief quartermaster; extensive tract; firmly fixed; human origin; little puss; may observe; milk and; milk cheese; milk diet; milk should; milk toast; milky juice; modern writers; offering made; one would have said; past lives; place wherein; revised edition; ringing voice; slowly and; spiritual truth; tendency toward; tobacco smoke; unimproved earth; wind from