The seconde, the descripcion of a personne, when a man is described, as are the noble menne in Plutarch, and the Emperours in Suetonius.
Shortly after menne began to praye, and offer sacrifice for dead mennes soules, yea and that with a good intention, as it may euidently appeare in many of the auncient fathers.
Howe Christian menne oughte to behaue themselues in this behalfe, it is fully and amply declared in the holie Scriptures, in like manner as all other things are, whiche appertaine vnto our saluation.
And menne saye, that Satyri, are almost lyke vnto men: And those whiche are of full age are called Sileni.
They threw the infants in the fire, The menne they did not spare; But killed all which they could find, Tho' aged or tho' fair.
The menne and women, younge and olde, And eke the girls and boys, All started up in great affright Att the alarming noise.
Our soldiers fell upon their reare, And killed twenty-five; Our young menne were so much enrag'd They took scarce one alive.
I commende them as menne not corrupted with to much finenesse or daintinesse.
Kinge recorded by Walsingham, that matters of peace were managed by menne of weakest sufficiency, by whose councell eyther ignorant or corrupt, &c.
And thenne falleth the fur On false menne houses, And good men for here gultes Gloweth on fuyr after.
Sainct Peter put first ordre, that women should couer their heades, and menne rounde their heare, and either of them to go in seueralle and sondrye apparelle.
The counseile of Toledo ordeined that the corps beinge firste wasshed, and then wrapped vp in a shiete, shoulde be caried forthe with singing by menne of his owne condicion or sorte, clerkes by clerkes, and laye menne of laye menne.
But fodder beinge a generall name for meate gyven to Cattle in winter, and of affynytie withe foode applied to menne and beasts, dothe onlye signyfye meate.
Thys kynde of teachynge howe so euer other mennealowe it, by my counsell no manne shall vse it, who soeuer entendeth to haue hys child well brought vp.
What is vntoward, if here menne haue not an vntoward mind?
Menne in olde tyme which by no lawes, nor good order ledde theyr lyues in woodes, in wãderynge lustes of bodye, were rather wylde beastes then men.
Yet nedes must be some excellẽt wryter, which put forth such a booke that euen learned menne thought it to be of Hesiodus doing.
Menne that bee thus naturallye borne, I thynke they be not to bee compelled against their nature, lest after the common saying we shuld leade an Oxe to wreastlynge, or an Asse to the harpe.
Or scalle wemenne of mennys sprytes appere, 1110 Doeynge hym favoure for hys favoure donne, Swefte to hys pallace thys damoiselle bere, Bewrynne oure case, and to oure waie be gonne?
A wondrous pyle of rugged mountaynes standes, Placd on eche other in a dreare arraie, It ne could be the worke of human handes, It ne was reared up bie menne of claie.
The Brytish Merlyn oftenne hanne The gyfte of inspyration, 10 And Afled to the Sexonne menne Dydd synge wythe elocation.
Haste, haste, O Ælla, to the byker flie, For yn a momentes space tenne thousand menne maie die.
Botte halfe the tythes of Danyshe menne remayne; Ælla commaundes 'heie shoulde the sleetre staie, 800 Botte bynde 'hem prysonners on the bloddie playne.
Yea, but all menne wonder and crye out on it, and saye: it is the voyce of a bruite beast, and not of manne.
Now your magnificêt mynde studieth that, whiche all Englyshe menne with meke and humile heartes shuld desire GOD to endue your grace with all.
It is for husbãd menne too stande in doubt how farre the limittes and merebãkes extend.
Furthermore, no menne louê their wiues more vehemêtly then thei that loue theim euê soo, as Christ loued the churche.
Yf younge menne woulde weygh these thynges, that bee quyckly prouoked and entised with pleasure as it were wyth the cuppe of Circes, whiche in steade of theyr greatest pleasures receiue poysone myxte with honye.
They were near ye Guest Halle on ye syde of our Lord Abbat's Howse, and ye menne lay over them.
What more I didde as seemed best, for the old tymes were changing andmenne loved the glory of our ceremonial.
Even soe journeying fromm Padua whither came the shippes, we felle among evil menne who would hold us to ransome.
She ys so graciouse and soe tame Alle mennemay strooke and patte; But yt ys sayde, norre mayde norre dame, Have dared toe see thatte Catte.
Fulle hugelye gladde she seemeth, whenne They brynge herre a grete ratte, But styll moe gladde atte katchynge menne Ys Whyttingtone hys Catte.
MAny learned menne are in this opinion, that vpon a Lawe alledged, a Oracion maie bee made in the defence of it: or matter maie be suppeditated, to in- uaigh by force of argument againste it.
The Prince and chief peres doe decaie, and al the whole multitude dooe perishe: the baseste kinde of menne [Sidenote: The Shepe- herdes state necessarie.
Many fa- mous menne and greate learned, haue in the Greke tongue and otherwise trauailed, to profite all tymes their countrie and common wealthe.
Good menne by Lawe and aucthoritée, vpholded and maintained.
So that of that manne and woman, we all mortall menne procéeded in generation, and in this sorte are the handy worke of God, kinsmen and brethren.
Cortez enquired of Maryna the cause thereof, and shée sayde that those menne did not onely speake an other languague, but also did appertayne to another Lorde, who was not vassall to Mutezuma, but by force and extortion.
And so they wente through the army lookyng and gasing here and there as menne amazed.
And Marchaunt menne can seldome finde in theyr heartes to hynder theyr merchaundise with so greate yearly expenses.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "menne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.