The sagacious Graydon, however, was maturing a plan which he hoped would bring her the happiness which it would be his happiness to confer.
Meanwhile events were taking place of which Madge had no knowledge, but which would favor the plan slowly maturing in her mind.
Phillips, Brooklyn, is granted three patents in the United States for aging and maturing coffee.
Although the time required for the maturing of the crop is so long, when once the plantation begins to yield, the crop is as large as that of Coffea arabica, and occasionally somewhat larger.
One of the first efforts toward artificial maturing was that of Ashcroft[109], who argued from the improved nature of coffee which had experienced a delayed voyage.
Since the parting from her husband, there had proceeded in Amy a noticeable maturing of intellect.
It is not rare to find hermaphrodite plants and others with separated sexes within the same genus; and it is common to find some of the species dichogamous and others maturing their sexual elements simultaneously.
By the autumn the crossed plant had grown to so large a size that it almost smothered the two self-fertilised plants, which were mere dwarfs; and the latter died without maturing a single pod.
For the first time he was moved to state publicly his maturing belief in the efficacy of squatter sovereignty, as a solvent of existing problems in the public domain.
Cones maturing the first year, their scales remaining thin.
Cones maturing the second year, their scales becoming thickened and corky.
Parasitic on Conifers, glabrous, with rectangular branches and connate scale-like leaves; flowers often crowded in apparent spikes or panicles, opening in summer or autumn and maturing fruit the next autumn.
Fruit depressed-globular, covered with the bases of the decayed petals, maturing under water.
Fertile catkins and cones on the end of last year's branchlets; cones maturing the first year, pendulous; their scales thin, persistent.
Ovary with a single cell and ovule, tipped with a long laterally stigmatic style, maturing as an achene.
The fruit, maturing under water, has not yet been collected.
Fertile catkins and cones erect on the upper side of spreading branches; cones maturing the first year; their thin scales and mostly exserted bracts deciduous at maturity.
The object selection, however, is first accomplished in the imagination, and the sexual life of the maturing youth has hardly any escape except indulgence in phantasies or ideas which are not destined to be brought to execution.
This quality of the plant may be bred out by keeping the earliest maturing seed separate from the later maturing and choosing this for producing subsequent seed crops.
It has developed no clearly marked varieties; some specimens, however, seem to be more distinctly annual than others, though attempts to isolate these and thus secure a quick-maturing variety seem not to have been made.
Thus six or eight weeks may be saved in the growing season, and by continuing such selection a quick-maturing strain may be secured with little effort.
As the ground will not be occupied more than a third of the second season, a crop of early beets, forcing carrots, radishes, lettuce or some other quick-maturing crop may be sown between the rows of parsley plants.
Fortunately the variety was a quick-maturing kind and the crop, for such it became, was harvested before any damage was done the slow-appearing seedlings, whose positions the radishes were intended to indicate.
A small seedbed should be used in preference to sowing in the open ground first, because better attention can be given such little beds; second, because the area where the plants are ultimately to be can be used for an early-maturing crop.
The coriander, being a quick-maturing plant, may be harvested before the caraway throws up a flowering stem.
Five diagrammatic longitudinal sections of thematuring mammal embryo and its envelopes.
The bonds which were issued to the companies were United States currency bonds, bearing 6 per cent interest, payable semiannually and maturing at the end of thirty years.
Speyer and Company, it will be recalled, had agreed to purchase the first fourmaturing notes issued to the government.
He was every yearmaturing his own principles of poetry and making good the remark of Coleridge, that to admire on principle is the only way to imitate without loss of originality.
It is in this extensive knowledge of the world, confirming and maturing the judgments suggested by his wisely-balanced powers of feeling and humor, that the superiority of Smith over the rest of his school consists.
Let us now turn our eyes back to the colonies, and observe the spirit of the people of Boston on hearing of the plans maturing for their enslavement and ruin.
Hence, it seems probable that these changes in plants which are maturing naturally may be hastened by the hormone action of the esters and similar bodies which are developed in largest quantities at that stage.
But her own character had been rapidly maturing of late, and her insight sharpening.
Friendship and love are humanising things, and by her fourteenth year Marcella was no longer a clever little imp, but a fast-maturing and in some ways remarkable girl, with much of the woman in her already.
Bertha is young but maturing very rapidly, and there's no telling where she will stop.
Alice, studying Ben with those uncanny eyes of hers, saw him slowly yielding to the charm of Bertha's personality, which was maturing rapidly under the influence of her love.
At this stage, side dressing with nitrogen is helpful in maintaining plant growth and providing resources for growth and maturing of fruit.
Canneries or other large growers, have wide houses similar to those used for winter maturing crops.
Times were maturing and Germany was anxiously waiting for the opportunity to strike the blow which would stagger Humanity.
Without the prejudices and entanglements of a past political career, he entered the arena in the ripeness of his slow-maturing powers.
Lincoln, who had been quietly maturing in modest retirement, was roused by this shock and began that memorable battle with Douglas, which finally lifted the obscure lawyer to heights above the great Senator.
There is a natural unfolding and maturing to the beauty of old age.
If he happens to be a cabbage, in Heaven's name don't try to make a rose of him, and do not disturb the vegetable maturing of his head by grafting ideas upon his stock.
I owe over a hundred thousand dollars, maturing within twenty days, and my present available resources are not more than fifty thousand.
You are now overdrawn some five thousand dollars, which, by the maturing of your drafts, has become a cash advance.
I then turned around and broke the land up and planted it in sweet potatoes, which are just maturing and the crop will run one hundred and fifty bushels to the acre.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "maturing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: development; evolutionary; evolving; genetic; phylogenetic; progressing; unfolding