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Example sentences for "materializes"

Lexicographically close words:
materiality; materialization; materializations; materialize; materialized; materializing; materiall; materialls; materially; materials
  1. Every time the mysterious force strikes through her frame and materializes in an act, terror and dismay fill the mind of this child, and she seeks refuge in flight.

  2. We then found the tray upon the table, and, upon the clay, the imprint which we supposed must have been made before its transfer, and while it was behind Eusapia, in the cabinet where John usually materializes and manifests himself.

  3. Out of the encompassing gloom of all these, the camp-fire materializes figures as real to the eye as flesh and blood.

  4. For "the idea of property materializes all that it touches"; by introducing itself into the sacrifice, it denatured it and made it into a sort of bargain between the man and the divinity.

  5. Take away the name and the sign which materializes it, and the clan is no longer representable.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "materializes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.