Guerchard turned to Dieusy and said, in a quieter voice, "And when the scavengerhad picked up the cigarette, did he follow the motorist?
The scavenger thought the whole business a little queer, and he picked up the cigarette and kept it.
Never, except in a white-washer with his broad brush, or a scavenger sweeping a crossing.
It has probably been found by experience that the corpse, when thus protected, is safe from the ravages of scavenger jackals and pariah dogs.
The term Paraiya, it may be noted, is applied to the common dog of Indian towns and villages, and to the scavenger kite, Milvus Govinda.
The scavenger and the ragpicker, being the lowest grade of blousards, do not always rise to the dignity even of a blouse.
But the Paris scavenger is rarely privileged to work ten hours a day, and his earnings the year round will barely exceed on an average twenty-five cents a day.
Then, as now, the coyote was also a scavenger and helped rid the plains of the carcasses of larger animals which died of natural causes.
As a scavenger it has considerable value in cleaning up the remains of kills made by other predators.
The great water-scavenger beetles are large, black, elliptical insects common in quiet pools where they may be found swimming through the water, or crawling among the plants growing on the bottom.
The adult water-scavenger beetle feeds chiefly on decaying vegetation in the water, but instances of the taking of other insects and of snails have been noted.
The internal anatomy will be found to be, if examined, much like that of insects and can be studied from the account of the anatomy of the water-scavenger beetle and butterfly larva.
In sixteen or eighteen days the young water-scavenger beetles hatch as elongate, wingless, active larvae, provided with three pairs of legs and strong jaws.
Then, again, our scavenger is a very strict teetotaller and never strikes, although occasionally he is 'frozen out.
That city contains a greater proportionate number of these scavengerbirds for its size than any other city or town I have ever visited.
At the other extreme stands the superlative of hideousness, the ugliest bird in the world--Neophron ginginianus, the scavenger vulture.
This scavenger had a shriveled face worthy of those immortalized by Charlet in his caricatures of the sweepers of Paris.
Now I have squared accounts with hell, and had some pleasure for my money," said the Count in a deep voice, pointing out the indescribable physiognomy of the gaping scavenger to the doctor, who stood stupefied.
A pretty chief truly; you are like the scavenger beetle, and think of yourself only.
Land foul with weeds, or only half subdued, he sowed with that best of scavenger crops, buckwheat, which was to be plowed under as soon as in blossom.
Whilst the scavenger sings, so that the birds stop to listen to him, and dances and says, "News with my wife is not kept in a chest!
Whereto he answer made "What wonder though the scavenger have turned a fire-man[FN#97] now?
Scavenger was again made a distinct office, to which James Shepherd was appointed at 6s.
The duties set forth above were those belonging to Mr. Bumble, as Bellman, to call out the hour and state of the weather at night, and as Scavenger to keep the streets clean by day.
In that way, and in the ordinary scavenger work that they share with all other Gulls, they are of great use to the country and should be protected.
It was pitiable to see the scavenger wasted to a mere spectre.
The instant Archibald came within reach of the broom, the scavenger slightly touched Sawney's legs; Sawney plunged and reared, and reared and plunged.
The scavenger entered into his friend the hostler's feeling, and promised to use his broom in his cause, whenever a convenient and public opportunity should offer.
Those scavenger birds and ants sure clean up things in a hurry.
So numerous and so voracious were the scavenger birds that within a few minutes they had even that mammoth carcass stripped of flesh, leaving only the huge bones.
Keeping even passably tidy was impossible, and in personal cleanliness a London scavenger could give a traveller by rail from Cairo to Assouan many points.