Like you, I detest untruth when it can lead to important consequences, but I think it a mere trifle when it can do no injury to anyone.
If you think proper, I will, for a mere trifle, print twenty thousand copies of them, to be distributed and disseminated gratis all over France.
No; all that are got here is a mere trifle, and then we buy some in winter and spring from different quarters.
All I have done in that is a mere trifle, as I have not been long in the business; but perhaps I take a parcel to Lerwick, and hawk it through the shops, and get goods in exchange which I want for my own business.
The inhabitants, however, approached us in great fear, and what they brought with them was a mere trifle.
In order that they might not hunger, I have up to this moment overlooked this system of bartering, and indeed it produces but a mere trifle.
It was a mere trifle, but I was not in a condition to afford more.
If the case is taken into court, the editor complains that nobody asked him to rectify the mistake; but ask for redress, and he will laugh in your face and treat his offence as a mere trifle.
A whole future of happiness and ease and the interests of a child were at stake, and Cerizet asked a mere trifle of her.
A mere trifle," added he, seeing that Nais was startled.
This answer was a mere trifle, but it somewhat shook Baron Trigault's confidence.
Besides purchasing every requisite for that wonderful costume of hers, the General's wife had found some laces of rare beauty, which she had secured for the mere trifle of four thousand francs.
The physician who was summoned declared that her illness was a mere trifle, but prescribed rest and quiet.
The Westerham-crossed are inferior to the intercrossed by a mere trifle; but it is almost certain that if they had been allowed to go on growing for another month, the former would have completely beaten the latter.
The longest leaves on the three crossed plants, when turned out, exceeded those on the self-fertilised plants by a mere trifle, namely, on an average by .
The rain was a mere trifle, and Anne was most sincere in preferring a walk with Mr Elliot.
We have just been trying, by way of doing something, and amusing my mother, just within the last week, to get up a few scenes, a mere trifle.
But the rain was also a mere trifle to Mrs Clay; she would hardly allow it even to drop at all, and her boots were so thick!
He borrowed timidly at first, but more boldly when he discovered what a mere trifle a mortgage is.
The whole cost him only six thousand francs a year, a mere trifle as rents go nowadays.
Coralth's persistence, and the importance he attached to a mere trifle, could not fail to annoy the most patient man in the world, and in fact his patronizing tone really irritated Pascal.
He had lost only that, it is true--a mere trifle as times go.
It will be a mere trifle in comparison with what you will get, I can tell you.
For a mere trifle he flings an insulting word in your face, or a threat to get his father to come to the school.
I did not mean that your fortune is a mere trifle, but that the fact of its being in his hands rather than any other honest man's is a mere trifle.
Now Mr. Grey has full and complete control of your fortune; that is a mere trifle.
Now, although we and our forefathers received a mere trifle of the bad effects of liquors in this respect, yet the constitution of some of us must have been injured by their use.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mere trifle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.