The place is a shady-looking rookery, no porch or steps, door opening right on the sidewalk, three windows to each floor, mansard roof.
Those of the top floor--dormers projecting from a mansard roof--were dark.
Like the members of this mansard cenacle, he is seeking conscientiously and eagerly for a comprehensive formula of life.
Among other things, he says:-- "In this cold mansard the finest dreams of sentiment were realised.
It is the most magnificent place of amusement in America; built in the Renaissance style, with a Mansard roof.
Its roof is an elaboration of the Louvre and Mansard styles, and the interior arrangement cannot be surpassed for beauty or convenience.
He took a careful observation of the garden, and from his point of vantage he could easily see the little house which was apparently the dwelling of the gardener, as well as the mansard roof of the main building.
Muller passed them, turned up a cross street and then down again, into the street running parallel, to the lane, a quiet aristocratic street on which fronted the house with the mansard roof.
Muller remembered that there was a handsome old house in this direction, a house with a mansard roof and wide-reaching wings.
The moon was now well up in the sky and it shone brightly on the mansard roof of the fine old mansion.
Before he reached them he had to pass the garden which belonged to the house with the mansard roof.
The garden extended to the beginning of the park-like grounds which surrounded the old house with the mansard roof.
The other street, upon which the main front of the mansard house opened, contained a few isolated dwellings surrounded by gardens and a number of newly built apartment houses.
She did not go to Graz, but continued to live in the old mansion with the mansard roof.
Linthicum, and I think it must have been during the time he owned it that the mansard roof was added which, fortunately, has been removed by the present owners.
It was whitewashed everywhere; not only the walls and the beams, but the joists, even to the visible copings of the mansard part of the roof; and in this bare whiteness, the old oaken furniture seemed almost as black as ebony.
The moon, having escaped from the clouds, shone in through the mansard window, full on her bed, painting her hair a richer red than usual.
Two mansard bedrooms in the front we threw together, making a large study.
There's no end of building there, this year a whole street going up--with Mansard roofs, of course.
It had been bought by the Diocese in the nineties, and was representative of that transitional period in American architecture when the mansard roof had been repudiated, when as yet no definite types had emerged to take its place.
The long street, deeply shaded in summer, was bordered by decorous homes, some of which had stood there for a century and a half; others were of the Mansard period.
Seven windows lighted the gray front of this house which was raised three storeys, ending in a mansard roof covered with slate.
The London Group The eleventh exhibition at theMansard Gallery does not differ greatly from previous exhibitions.
Art and Letters, which has just appeared, is the drawing by Modigliani, who was one of the most promising exhibitors at the recent exhibition of Continental Artists held at the Mansard Gallery, and referred to above.
Mansard declared that this was impossible, to which Louis, with true kingly logic, replied coolly: Raison de plus.
Mansard had nothing for it but to give way, and pledge himself that the ugly red-brick lodge should stand somehow and somewhere in the magnificent pile that was already reared in his imagination.
Mansard swore he would make it possible, and he kept his word.
In carrying out his work Mansard made eight façades instead of the four first contemplated, and in the middle of the octagon he placed an equestrian statue of Louis XIV.
Torches glitter from window to window and up and down the curving stairways; the very dormers in the mansard twinkle with joy and life.
The lower portion is of granite, and the upper white marble surmounted by Louvre domes and Mansard roofs.
Above the gallery is a range of high windows, along the face of the building, and over these a range of small windows and a mansard roof.
The superstructure is in the French mansard roof style, with handsome cupolas on the east and west ends, surmounted with flag-staffs and weather vanes.
It is two stories in height, the mansardroof is gone, and a row of attic windows surmount the second story.
There are 230 windows in this new wing which has a mansard roof.
Sandy is evidently the result of environment--olive green, with a mansard roof and the shades pulled down.
I don't know what our poor doctor would prefer; olive green with a mansard roof appears to be his taste.
Mansard on the model of St. Peter's at Rome, and was finished by Lemercier and others.
The house is two and a half stories high with additions which have somewhat altered its original appearance; it has a gambrel roof, hipped at one end after the Mansard manner with excellent dormers on both the front and end just mentioned.
The stone bricks, it is true, have broken out into a variety of ugly shapes and a blue colour with which you can, if you like, build a Mansard roof.
But a Mansardroof in a coarse ugly blue tint, is no thing of beauty.
It consists of a central building with two wings, each three and a half stories in height, with a Mansard roof.
It is in the Renaissance style of architecture, and stands seventy feet high from the sidewalk to the main cornice, crowning which is a Mansard roof of twenty-four feet.
It rises to a height of eight stories, or 127 feet, exclusive of the Mansard roof, above the street.
Including the centralMansard roofs, the building is eight stories in height.
The Mansard roof will be covered with an ironclad cornice and metallic cresting.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mansard" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.