When one of them comes you tell them to send you the manservant on your floor; and when he comes you tell him you require towels, and he goes to the linen cupboard and gets them and fetches them to you, sir.
Why not put a third button in that bathroom labeledManservant or Valet or Towel Boy, or something of that general nature?
But what has the manservant done that he should be thus discriminated against?
But before answering the Bishop's letter he passed it to his manservant for advice.
The smooth manservant lowered his head in a nod that was just not a bow, and closed the tall door.
Annette's ringer on the bronze bell-push evoked a manservant in livery, with a waistcoat of horizontal yellow and black stripes like a wasp and a smooth, subtle, still face.
She went to the door and opened it for herself; the smooth manservant was deprived of the spectacle of her departure.
Then they passed into the Deanery, and the manservant who opened to them bowed with some added hint of ceremony that puzzled Michael.
A manservantwas gently pushing the chair, and the crippled woman was gazing sadly at the brightness of the sky, the gladness of the day, and the happiness of others.
Well, one Tuesday, when I had spent all the morning in listening to Mother Clochette, I wanted to go upstairs to her again during the day after picking hazelnuts with the manservant in the wood behind the farm.
After the manservant had arranged his rugs and cushions the Rajah waved his hand to him and to the nurse.
A neat, thin old man stood near the manservant who opened the door for them.
I went straight to his rooms on reaching London, only to be told by the manservant that he was not there, and was not expected; indeed, the man seemed somewhat astonished at seeing me at all.
I came away from the flat, leaving Jervis Fanshawe and the manservant still there.
He was in his dressing gown, and as he strode across the hall and into his sitting-room I remembered suddenly that the manservanthad been sent away the night before, and that Olivant was alone there.
A manservant let us in; my guardian seemed to whisper something to him to account for my dishevelled appearance, and for the fact that I had no hat.
I was left standing in the hall, when presently Fanshawe was conducted into the presence of his patron; they kept me waiting quite a long time before the manservant appeared again, after a bell had been rung, and told me I was wanted.
But a moment later the manservant came in with a small salver on which lay a letter.
I understood that the manservant was to be sent away that night, and the flat locked up.
The noise we made when we got to the door of the flat alarmed that respectable manservant inside; he opened the door a little way, and we stumbled in together, brushed him aside, and rushed pell-mell into the room where Murray Olivant stood.
I found the place in disorder, and the manservant covering everything up, and locking drawers and cupboards; Olivant himself was destroying a great mass of letters.
I went back to the rooms; there I found the startled manservant peering out at the door of the flat.
The frightened manservant had run out of the room, crying something as he went; it seemed an incredibly short space of time before he came hurrying in again, followed by a policeman.
So we gained his rooms in that secret fashion; and the moment we entered the manservant began to explain to him that Mr. Arnold Millard had called, and would call again.
He was in a vile temper; in sending away his manservanthe had forgotten that he could get no breakfast without the man's assistance.
I did not see Murray Olivant when I went back to his rooms; his manservant pointed to the luggage that had been packed, and gave me a letter addressed to Lucas Savell, and some money.
They had even to ring the bell before the door was opened by a manservantsent down a few days previously from town.
When at last the sight of a sleepy manservant hovering in the background forced his steps upstairs, he still lingered for a few moments in the corridor and turned the handle of his bedroom door with almost reluctant fingers.
A manservant had turned the great key, drawn the bolts, and opened the door with difficulty.
Dominey found himself watching with fixed eyes the approach of his rather sad-faced manservant through the snow.
An advertisement for a manservant cut out of this morning's Daily Telegraph; I saw it myself.
Evidently a manservant who was on his way to interview a new employer.
I once had a manservantwho told me on a certain occasion that he "never thought a word about it.
Thus I think it most probable that mymanservant had been a mathematician but had escaped by the aid of logic.
With a murmured excuse to Lotus, Don stepped forward to meet his manservant at a point just out of earshot.
If a man has bought a manservant or a maidservant and has a complaint, his seller shall answer the complaint.
If a man has captured either a manservant or a maidservant, a fugitive, in the open country and has driven him back to his master, the owner of the slave shall pay him two shekels of silver.
If a man has harboured in his house a manservant or a maidservant, fugitive from the palace, or a poor man, and has not produced them at the demand of the commandant, the owner of that house shall be put to death.
If he has handed over a manservant or a maidservant to work off a debt, and the merchant shall remove and sell them for money, no one can object.
If a man has bought a manservant or a maidservant, and he has not fulfilled his month and the bennu sickness has fallen upon him, he shall return him to the seller, and the buyer shall take the money he paid.
He also relates that he soon found an opportunity of practising with one of the servant-girls what the manservant who had been his instructor had extolled to him as the non plus ultra of the higher knowledge.
An old powdered manservant who was sitting in the antechamber rose quietly and said in a whisper: "Please walk in.
She was expecting Prince Andrew any moment and twice that day sent a manservant to the Vozdvizhenka to ascertain whether he had come.
If master faces these sharks," Conseil said, "I think his loyal manservant should face them with him!
We absolutely must bag some game to placate this man-eater, or one of these mornings master won't find enough pieces of hismanservant to serve him.
The manservant would bring in tea, and Massinger would insist on Eve sharing it with him.
A youngish manservant with a bleached and dissolute face showed her into a long room that was hung from floor to ceiling with black velvet.
The manservant had made himself scarce; and Fandor, unobserved, could wrap up the piece of soap in his handkerchief and hide it in the lowest drawer of the chest of drawers, under a pile of linen.
But apparently the one and only manservant the house boasted was occupied elsewhere, for no one answered.
The manservant disappeared a minute, then ushered into the study a very unassuming woman of uncertain age and quite ordinary looking.
The porter had gone to help a manservant fetch the trunk from the other end of the car.
He maintained the attitude throughout dinner, and conscious of the watching manservant Diana made herself reply to his easy conversation.
For the moment she could just sit still and be waited on by the soft-footed, soft-spoken manservant who seemed such a curious adjunct to the household of an Arab chief.
A manservant answered his ring at once and led him into a cool, white stone hall, the walls of which were hung from floor to ceiling with hunting and sporting trophies.
A manservantstood behind Lady Jane's chair, and the butler was in constant attendance at the sideboard.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "manservant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: boy; butler; chauffeur; coachman; driver; equerry; garcon; gardener; gentleman; man; servant; valet