For where any of these thynges bere a rule / mannes mynde can nat lightely perceyue the truthe.
In that lond of Job, there nys no defaute of no thing, that is nedefulle to mannes body.
And upon tho hilles growen trees of cedre, that ben fulle hye, and thei beren longe apples, and als grete as a mannes heved.
And thei ben square and poynted of here owne kynde, bothe aboven and benethen, with outen worchinge of mannes hond.
For thinges passed out of longe tyme from a mannes mynde or from his syght, turnen sone into forzetynge: Because that mynde of man ne may not ben comprehended ne witheholden, for the freeltee of mankynde.
And than comen jogulours and enchauntoures, that don many marvaylles: for thei maken to come in the ayr, the sonne and the mone, be semynge, to every mannes sight.
But in the left syde of the walle of the tabernacle is well the heighte of a man, a gret ston to the quantytee of a mannes hed, that was of the holy sepulcre: and that ston kissen the pilgrymes, that comen thidre.
And aftre thei maken the day to come azen, fair and plesant with bright sonne, to everymannes sight.
Also besyde Cayre, withouten that cytee, is the feld where bawme growethe: and it cometh out on smale trees, that ben non hyere than a mannes breek girdle: and thei semen as wode that is of the wylde vyne.
On Rood I hang for mannes sake For sinful men as thou may see.
Father, my soul I thee betake, My body dieth for mannes sake; To hell I go withouten wake, Mannes soul to maken free.
Nowe to our Nauy, a sorte maketh asaute Of folys blynde, mad Jugys and Iniust Whiche lyghtly noteth another mannes faute.
Hit falleth for euery gentilman To saye the best that he can In mannes absence And the soth in his presence.
For it is thing most amerous, Most delitable and saverous, For to aswage a mannes sorowe, To sene his lady by the morowe.
And Grace gaf greynes, The cardynal vertues, And sew hem in mannes soule, And sithen he tolde hir names.
And robbe mannes soule From the love of oure Lord, At his laste ende.
See fyrst on thyself, And sithen on another, And clense clene thy syght, And kepe wel thyne eighe, And for another mannes eighe Ordeyne after.
Whough may mannes wiit, Through werk of himselve, Knowen Christes privite, {500} That alle kynde passeth?
Also in this yere mennes, bestes, trees, and housynge were alle to smyte with violent lyghtnynge, and sodeynly peresshyd; and the devell in mannes lyknes spak to men goynge be the weye.
The mannes honde doth what he may To helpe it forth and make it riche, And forthy men it delve and diche, And even it with strength of plough, Wher it hath of him self inough So that his nede is ate leste.
My lege lord, this wolde I rede: The erthe it is, which evermo With mannes labour is bego As well in winter as in maie.
To the Snakes and other venemous beastes they gaue the bloude of men sacrifised, to féede them, and some saye they gaue vnto them mannes fleshe, whych the greate Lysarts doe eate very well.
And thei eten more gladly mannes flessche, thanne ony other flesche.
And there ben note trees, that beren notes, als grete as a mannes hed.
And alle be it that it have no watre, zit men fynden there in and on the bankes, fulle gode fissche of other maner of kynde and schappe, thanne men fynden in ony other see; and thei ben of right goode tast, and delycious to mannes mete.
The beastes in their kinde, doe condemne mannes brutishe affections here- in: there is no facte that sheweth a man or woman, more like to beastes, then whoredome.
Evum is take lykewyse for a mannes age, and for a thousande yeres, and Parigeneses for fyftene thousande yeres, and tyme is taken for the lastyng of all the worlde.
Oft the lothe thing is doon, by excitacion of other mannes opinion, whiche wolden fayne have myn abydinge.
Ful hard it is to knowe a mannes herte; For outward may no man the trouthe deme; When word out of his mouthe may noon asterte But it by reson any wight shuld queme, So is it seyd of herte, as hit wolde seme.
Pees is the cheef of al the worldes welthe, And to the heven it ledeth eek the way; Pees is of soule and lyfe the mannes helthe 80 Of pestilence, and doth the werre away.
Hir dedes shuld be as bright as sterre, Hir living, lewed mannes light; 970 They say, the pope may not erre, Nede must that passe mannes might.
For consent of two hertes 90 alone maketh the fasteninge of the knotte; neither lawe of kynde ne mannes lawe determineth neither the age ne the qualite of persones, but only accord bitwene thilke twaye.
Wherfore al lawe by mannes witte purveyed ought to be underput to lawe of kynde, whiche yet hath be commune to every kyndely 60 creature; that my statutes and my lawe that ben kyndely arn general to al peoples.
In this maner it is soth, that thorow necessite is mannes werke in loving, that he wol do altho[ugh] he wol it nat with necessite.
Job saith ofmannes person, "thou hast put his terme, whiche thou might not passe.
It is wonder, above any mannes wit, Withoute werre how Cristes fayth was wonne; And we that been upon this erthe yit Ne kepe it nat as it was first begonne.
In reply to some questions concerning his own study years Mr. Mannesspoke of his work with Heinrich de Ahna, Karl Halir and Eugène Ysaye.
In olde tyme honest thinges were deuised for mannes instruction, emonges which was vsed this one thyng.
The kynges barde and base and all his bend wer of cloth of gold and silver richely embraudered, with a mannes harte," &c.
Also that ye breke noo mannys heggys in goynge abowte your dysportes: ne opyn noo mannes gates but that ye shytte theym agayn.
Body's Aus Eines Mannes Mädchenjahren is said to be a faithful autobiography.
Leases mannes word ne recce thu no thaes to gehyranno, ne his domas ne gethafa thu, ne naene gewitnysse aefter him ne saga thu.
Gif theof brece mannes hus nihtes and he wyrdhe thaer ofslaegen, ne sy he na manslaeges scyldig, the him sloge.
Gif oxa odhres mannes oxan gewundige and he thonne dead sy, bebycggen thone oxan and haebben him thaet weordh gemaene and eac thaet flaesc swa thaes deadan.
Gif the becume odhres mannes gymeleas feoh on hand, theah hit sy thin feonde, gecydhe hit him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mannes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.