Again, who wotteth not what words were spoken against St. Paul, the most earnest and vehement preacher and maintainer of the truth?
Let him hearken then how holily and how godly one Hosius writeth of this matter, a bishop in Polonia, as he testifieth of himself; a man doubtless well spoken and not unlearned, and a very sharp and stout maintainer of that side.
Though Reuben knew that the Maintainer was no friend of his, the generous words sent blood hammering through his veins; ambition for a moment.
Any question you asked of a Maintainer was futile.
Reuben saw Oscar step aside for a moment to speak to a Maintainer whose guard fell on one of the Assembly Servers, and dragged him away as he pleaded innocence.
The parish register of Campton describes him as "a friend to the poor, a lover of learning, a maintainer of divine exercises.
Even as Dorothy wrote this, the stone-mason might be slowly carving words that may be read to this day: "The maintainer of divine exercises, the friend to the poor.
What we do learn from our knowledge, such as it is, is the fact that we can give no intelligent or intelligible explanation of the facts brought before us except on the hypothesis of a Creator and Maintainer of all things.
The King of course remained ex officio the "highest maintainer of the peace," and his weaknesses, illegalities, and extortions were not only repeated but multiplied in the descending links of the chain of responsibility.
As "the highest maintainer of the peace," the king claimed an actual police supremacy, and was not content with a mere title.
I guess we'd all had the worry that even finding and Extroverting the Maintainer wouldn't put us back in touch with the cosmos and give us those Winds we hate and love.
As soon as I got the Maintainer unsnarled and looked around and saw your sweet old face--" "Back, tricksy trull!
But the little oldMaintainer was a seething red-hot puddle filled with bubbles big as handballs.
So she'd taken the Major Maintainer and remembered the glove, and not many seconds later, she had set down on a shelf of the Art Gallery an object that no one would think of questioning--except someone who knew the Gallery by heart.
Sid stopped Beau, though he almost got bowled over doing it, and he held the gambler away from the Maintainer in a bear hug and bellowed over his shoulders, "Masters, are you mad?
Not me, though--I was still grateful to the Maintainer for getting me out of that spot, whatever other it had got us all into.
Just as no one had piped a word, since the Maintainer had been palmed, about the split between Erich's and Bruce's factions.
He whipped a hand and half a head back through the screen, but without looking back and snapped his fingers, and before I could blink, Kaby had put the Minor Maintainer in his hand.
Still, there would have been time between heckles for him to step quietly back from us, Introvert the Maintainer and .
Surely, if the Maintainer had been Introverted before he jumped on the bar, we'd all have noticed the flashing blue telltale.
The Major Maintainer hadn't merely been switched to Introvert.
They encompassed our eagle: Llewelyn the magnanimous hero, whose armour glistened; the maintainer of his rights.
One of thy queens a son shall bear, Maintainer of thy race and heir; And of the other there shall be Sons sixty thousand born to thee.
He denied that the Pope was the suprememaintainer of discipline, by making the two great sees of the East and South subordinate to himself.
The foolish expectation of more time on earth than God hath given you warrant to expect, is the cause that we overvalue the judgment of man, as well as other earthly things, and is a great maintainer of every sensual vice.
Then was the Earl of Huntly accused by you as the maintainer of idolatry, and the only hinderer of all good order.
Moreover, she was an open and obstinate idolatress, a vehement maintainer of all superstition and idolatry; and, finally, she had utterly despised the counsel and requests of the nobility.
The stamp of the bricks runs thus: "Neriglissar, king of Babylon, maintainer of Bit Saggatu and Bit Zida.
For as I never was traitor, no more was I friend of traitor, nor maintainer of traitors.
Yes, he said, that is quite what the maintainerof justice say.
Even these figures exaggerate the hold that the Reformation had in Spain, for any error remotely resembling the tenets of Wittenberg immediately classed its maintainer as Lutheran.
She is the maintainerof war, the general of an army, the terror of an enemy, and the glory of a camp.
She is the enemy of idleness and the maintainer of labour in the care of credit and pleasure of profit: she needs no advice in the resolution of action, while experience in observation finds perfection infallible.
He is the life of traffic and the maintainer of trade, the sailor's master and the soldier's friend.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "maintainer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.