That bill gives a certain modified ownership and control to the actual cultivators and maintainers of the soil.
Because this encouraged maintenance by the retinue of lords with fees, robes, and other liveries, such maintainers were to be put out of their lords' service, and could not be retained by another lord.
All great men were required to put out of their service all maintainers who had been retained, and void their fees and robes, without giving them aid, favor, or comfort.
But a stand has been made by the maintainers of this passage on the evidence of two African Fathers of a very different stamp from those hitherto named, Tertullian and Cyprian.
Without power of autonomy and independence, Christians will be mere conformists and maintainers of the status quo.
They are apt to be conventional, legalistic, and maintainers of the status quo.
More only wished that the maintainers of the traditional Catholic faith were half so zealous “as those that are fallen into false heresies and have forsaken the faith.
By the maintainers of the invocation of saints, many a passage far less unequivocal and less cogent than this has been adduced to show, that saints and martyrs were invoked by primitive worshippers.
Truly those that are the maintainers of peace have a blessed heritage; for the golden fruit of righteousness is a glorious harvest for those who make peace.
He trusted to see the day that the book called the Bible, and all its maintainers and upholders, should be brent.
To have the Lord Cromwell, the lord chancellor, and Sir Richard Rich to have condign punishment as subverters of the good laws of this realm, and maintainers of the false sect of these heretics, and first inventors and bringers in of them.
The chief maintainers of the feud were, on the one side, Sir John Nevill, a younger son of the Earl of Salisbury, and on the other Lord Egremont.
The heroes have always been men of peace--its winners and maintainers for those who can only enjoy it--from Hercules down, that first great overthrower of oppressions and founder of colonies.
The one potent way to avoid future conflict is so to make for, not point to, a goal that children shall not become mere money-grubbers or perpetuators of ancient prejudices or maintainers of false values or lawless upholders of the law.
And yet both for declining and declaring their extorted answers about this, they were condemned as unsufferable maintainers of principles inconsistent with government.
The fact from which the maintainers of Shakspeare's share in this drama have to set out, is the first printing of it, which took place in 1634.
Sid was tuning the Maintainers for the pick-up and the right shoulder of his gold-worked gray doublet was streaked where he'd been wiping his face on it with quick ducks of his head.
The way Erich and Kaby held the Major and Minor Maintainers became formal; the way they checked their Callers and nodded reassuringly was positively esoteric.
From that time forward the Abbasid caliphs became the maintainers of orthodox Islam, just as the Omayyads had been.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "maintainers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.