Lubrication seems to have been a rather constant problem, particularly in the early years.
Although some bearing lubrication troubles were encountered from time to time, this was not of major proportions, and they never had to resort to force-feed lubrication of the main or rod big-end bearings.
The crankcase was drilled to provide forced-feed lubrication to the connecting rod big end and crankshaft main bearings.
Lubrication was by means of the usual gear pump, and the piston and rod bearings continued to be splash-fed.
These occur irregularly all over the texture and seriously impair its quality and lubrication or damping is found to have a beneficial effect by giving greater elasticity and bending power to the thread.
This renders the thread less rigid and makes it more amenable to loop formation, whilst the beneficial effects of lubrication or damping of dry yarn have already been referred to.
The lubrication of the crank-pin presents some peculiarities.
The lubrication of the cylinders is effected automatically by means of a Consolin apparatus (Fig.
The weight per horsepower of these engines was slightly less than that of the two-valve type, while the lubrication of the gudgeon pin and piston showed an improvement, so that a lower lubricating oil consumption was obtained.
Lubrication was effected by spraying oil into the crank case by means of a pump, and a second pump circulated the cooling water.
Lubrication of the engine is carried out by a full pressure system.
Lubrication was by means of two pumps, one scavenging and one suction, oil being fed under pressure from the crankshaft.
Since the perfect lubrication of the recorder-cylinder is of great importance, a simple oiling device certain in its action has been adopted.
In order to bring home the importance of employing good cylinder-oil and of proper lubrication the author can only state that in his personal experience he has frequently detected losses varying from 10 to 15 per cent.
The crank-shaft and the connecting-rods are enclosed in a hermetically sealed box filled with oil, so that the movement of the parts themselves ensures the liberal lubrication of the piston.
It would seem advisable to meet the requirements of piston lubrication by reducing to a minimum the quantity of heat withdrawn by the circulating water.
The lubrication of the crank-shaft and of the two connecting-rod heads should receive every attention.
Lubrication is faulty when the quantity of lubricant supplied is either insufficient or too abundant, or when the oils employed are of bad quality.
In a previous chapter the importance of using a special oil for cylinderlubrication has been insisted upon.
Insufficient lubrication may be caused by imperfect operation of the lubricators, or, particularly during cold weather, by too great a viscosity or congelation of the oil.
The problem of lubrication is of particular importance if the engine is driven for several days at a time without a stop.
It has already been shown that insufficient lubrication and the utilization of bad oils leads to the overheating of the moving parts.
For cylinder lubrication only the very best oils should be used; perfect lubricationis of such importance that cost should not be considered.
A cardinal improvement in steam engineering of late years has been in perfecting superheaters; this advance owes much to the mineral oils now available for lubrication at temperatures which may be as high as 675° Fahr.
Hence we see engineers devising superheaters for their steam, and producing metal surfaces which either need no lubrication at all, or employ such a lubricant as graphite, which bears high temperatures without injury.
The details of the lubrication system are shown in fig.
The theory of lubrication has been applied to the explanation of the slipperiness of ice (Mem.
Large quantities of these greases are used with very good results for the lubrication of railway waggon axles, and some of them are excellent lubricants for the bearings of slow moving machinery.
Hence in the case of lubrication the velocities of the fluid at the surfaces of the solids are those of the solid.
In special cases, such as in the lubrication of textile machines, where the oil is liable to be splashed upon the fabric, the primary consideration is to use an oil which can be washed out without leaving a stain.
The rational theory of lubrication does not, however, depend solely on the viscosity within the interior of fluids, but also depends on the surface action between the fluid and the solid.
Thus until 1883 the science of lubrication had not advanced beyond the empirical stage.
The result was that all subsequent attempts to reduce the empirical facts, where a lubricant was used, to such general laws as might reveal the separate functions of the complex circumstances on which lubrication depends, completely failed.
Thurston (1903); andLubrication and Lubricants, by L.
Were it not for the escape of heat by conduction through the lubricant and the metal, lubrication would be impossible.
The only attention required when running is periodical lubrication and occasional replenishing of the oil reservoir.
The accurate fitting of the bullet and the repellent properties of the lubrication completely protect the powder from exposure to wet or damp, and effectually prevent one chamber igniting the powder in the other while being fired.
The proper lubrication of the motor is even more necessary than is the adjustment of the carburetor or the condition of the ignition system.
The purpose of lubricationis to reduce friction between the two surfaces in contact.
These outlets are not sufficient, however, to carry away all the heat that is necessary to enable the motor to run efficiently, for proper piston lubrication is exceedingly difficult to obtain at high temperatures.
Apply this to every bearing or rubbing surface of a motor, and we see that proper lubrication affects not only the length of life of the moving parts, but the ease with which the engine can be run and the consequent power development.
Forced system of lubrication as applied to engine of the generating set shown in fig.
In engines employing the forced system of lubrication the crank pit, which is formed by the columns, is accessible through doors in the front and back of the engine.
When the engine is first put under steam, lubrication should be very liberal, to assure the parts "settling down" without undue wear.
Constant lubrication is needed, and to this end the cover should make an oil-tight fit with the casing, so that the bottom of the big pinion may run in oil.
The bolt holes are drilled next, and finally the holes for lubrication and those to take the rods.
However a number of representative cases of friction and lubricationwill be considered, and the laws applying to the same will be demonstrated.
Lubricating oil is used almost wholly for the lubrication of heavy machinery.
The oils used for the lubrication of spinning and weaving machinery should contain a fair proportion of some fatty oil, such as olive or rape or cocoanut oil.
Another cause of oil stains is the use of mineral oils in the lubrication of cotton machinery.
There will be no trouble if the lubrication is all right.
If the lubrication is performed by means of tubes leading to each bearing from an elevated oil-box, we must see that the oil really gets to the bearings, and regulate its flow as required.
But evidently no 274 artificial system of lubrication could hope to equal that which exists between the skate and the ice.
For the lubrication here is, as it were, automatic.
Here under the skate the lubrication is perhaps the most perfect which it is possible to conceive.
These legs are securely bolted at one end to the floor or any other solid support, and at the other end to the trough itself; hence no lubrication is required, as would be the case with supporting rollers.
There are many journals to be looked after, but in the most approved systems their lubrication is effected automatically.
On the other hand, there is no time for conditioning the fibre because the lubrication and the softening are proceeding simultaneously, although conditioning may proceed while the fibre remains in the cart after it has left the softener.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lubrication" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.