For slipperiness and general hazards this road baffles description.
Its slipperiness renders the long boneless strings most difficult of efficient adjustment, and the recollection of the entertainment my comrades received as I struggled to get a decent mouthful sticks to me still.
The descent was very tedious owing to the excessive slipperiness of the grass: it was dangerous, because a slip would have frequently dashed you to pieces, and in all cases would have hurt one severely.
This curious result shows that there is something abnormal about the slipperiness of ice.
Before going on to the explanation of the wonderful freedom of the skater's movements, I wish to verify what I have inferred as to the great difference in the slipperiness of glass and the slipperiness of ice.
We see by this experiment that there is a great difference between the slipperiness of the two surfaces as measured by what is called "the angle of friction.
And it is equally evident that if wood were kept unpolluted by the liquid mud--into which the surface of the other causeways is converted in the driest weather by water carts--the slipperiness would be effectually cured.
For, the Englishman has accurate perceptions; takes hold of things by the right end, and there is no slipperiness in his grasp.
And, in modern times, any slipperiness in the government of political faith, or any repudiation or crookedness in matters of finance, would bring the whole nation to a committee of inquiry and reform.
Moreover, when it is used for the climb, the soles of the skis can be kept polished or varnished to a degree of slipperiness that prevents even the worst of sticky snow from being much hindrance during the run down.
This latter fact adds considerably to the difficulty of ski-running when patches of different slipperiness occur at short intervals.
At a rather steeper gradient (the angle depending on the slipperiness of the snow and the skis) you will still be able to move in the same way, but without the extra forward slide after the weight has come on to the advanced ski.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slipperiness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.