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Example sentences for "louinge"

Lexicographically close words:
louers; loues; loueth; loughs; louing; louingly; loun; lounge; lounged; lounger
  1. The remnaunt of the Night they lay together, where hee vsed hir wyth all sutch kynde of flatteringe and louinge Speech, as a Louer (of longe tyme) a Suter could deuise to do to hir, whom at length he dyd Possesse.

  2. If this medicine were applied to our carnall louinge dames (which God defend) they would not onely follow Faustina in forgetfulnes, but also would mislike hir Phisike: and not greatly regard the counsell of sutch doctours.

  3. This yong Prince was muche giuen to pleasure, louinge huntinge, pastime, and the company of fayre Ladyes, accordingly as youth requireth.

  4. The great pitie and continencie of Alexander the great and his louinge entertaynment of Sisigambis the wyfe of the great monarch Darivs after he was vanquished.

  5. When Ariobarzanes hearde tell of thys vnhoped mariage, right ioyfull for that successe, sent vnto his Daughter the Dowry which he had promised to geue to both his Daughters.

  6. That which my estimation, beautie and good behauiour doe deserue, I ought not to hyde in darkenesse.

  7. The kinge made signes that he should arise and boldly speake the summe of his desire.

  8. The yong and tender feeblenesse Of myne vnskilfull age, Whereof also the tendernesse Doth feeble heart assuage: Whom Beautye's force hath made to frame Vnto a Louer's hest, So soone as first the kindled flame Of louinge Toyes increst.

  9. Notwithstanding beyng discrete and wyse, for auoyding occasion of eche Husbande's offence, determined to cease their accustomed conuersation and louinge Familiarity, and not to frequent others company, but at Places and Tymes conuenient.

  10. Which the Lady well espying speedily imagined into what Porte hys rotten Barke would arriue: wherefore in the ende when shee sawe his Shippe at Roade, began to enter in prety louinge talke, by little, and little to incourage his fond attempt.

  11. And being come againe to himself, he sayd to his faithfull and most louinge friend: "Oh God, how vneasy and difficult be thy iudgments to comprehend?

  12. We deuised meanes by some other way to let you understand your fault, and did cast vpon you many times right louinge lookes.

  13. Moreouer shewe your selfe louinge and fayre spoken vnto them where he loueth, call them now and then vnto your table.

  14. But nowe I haue written unto you 4 frendlie / gẽtill / and louinge unto the vnbeleauers 5 and to obey them in thinges lawfvll 5.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "louinge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.