He has organized lotteries throughout the States, and though they are prohibited by severe laws, he has found the means to evade them all, and build up a large fortune.
The regular authorized American lotteries are the 'Kentucky' and 'Missouri.
Few persons realize to what an extent American lotteries are patronized in this city, and in a great many other cities of the country.
The two lotteries above named are drawn daily at noon and night.
They filled eight thousand-rupee lotteries on the Broken Link Handicap, and the account in the Pioneer said that "favoritism was divided.
Special penalties are provided for those who set up lotteries or any unlawful game with cards or dice, &c.
The British Acts against lotteries were extended to Ireland in 1780, and the general law as to gaming is the same in both countries.
The first attack onlotteries was in 1698, against lotteries "by dice, lots, cards, balls or any other numbers or figures or in any other way whatsoever.
In England, so far as the general public is concerned, gaming at cards is to a large extent superseded by betting on sports and pastimes, or speculation by means of lotteries or like devices.
The authorized lotteries are those for charitable purposes, e.
An act of 1721 prohibited lotteries which under the name of sales distributed prizes in money, advowsons, land, jewels, &c.
The King was of opinion, that, although posters had much increased in size, they had not increased in number; as the abolition of the State Lotteries had occasioned a great falling off, especially in the country.
He knew that, whatever a fastidious morality might protest, lotteries are friendly to human nature; and if there be any part of human nature with which Franklin was unacquainted, it has not yet been announced.
Lotteries were also popular, the promoters retaining a good share of the profits after the nominal object of the transaction had been attained.
The occasion was the drawing of the lotteries for the forthcoming races, and as times had been good, and money was plentiful, sovereigns were flowing in very quickly to the men who were giving out the chances.
Minor sources of revenue are taxes on lotteries and raffles, vehicle licenses, amusement permits, cockpits, etc.
Raffles and lotteries are also permitted by law, being subject to taxation by the municipalities, and in one or two cities there are municipal lotteries.
The case of the average man against State lotteries is equally simple; he cannot bear to be on the same side as Mr. Bottomley.
State Lotteries The popular argument against the State Lottery is an assertion that it will encourage the gambling spirit.
The case of the average man in favour of State lotteries is, quite simply, that he does not like Dr.
The lotteries soon got into politics and were not dislodged until late in the seventies, after a fight not unlike that waged for many years in Louisiana.
The demand for money was so great that recourse was had to lotteries to raise funds for an academy at Potosi, to provide fire-engines for the city, to erect a Masonic Hall.
Lotteries have been occasional, and with two exceptions have been conducted on a limited scale--that of Louisiana is well known; an earlier instance is less known.
The machinery of lotteries has often been modified, but, no matter how altered in details, they all have appealed to the love of games of chance.
Yet it is only within very recent years that state lotteries have been discarded even in the most advanced countries.
Private lotteries were forbidden by law, and required a special Act of Parliament to enable them to be drawn.
Lotteries were first drawn at Guildhall and later at the Coopers’ Hall, and the tickets were taken from the wheels by Bluecoat boys.
The result was that the only two private lotteries were the Pigot Diamond in 1800 and Boydell’s pictures five years later.
Lotteries were then a regular source of revenue to the State, the average profit being about three hundred and fifty thousand pounds a year, besides many brokers’ annual licences at fifty pounds.
Upon the whole view of the subject, your committee are decidedly of opinion, thatlotteries are the most injurious kind of taxation, and the very worst species of Gambling.
Lotteries are the parent of much of the pauperism which is to be found in this young, and free, and prosperous land.
But, it seems that this is all a delusion, and that lotteries can be "stocked" as well as a pack of cards.
And lotteries are another species of villany," said he; "the money goes to the vendor, and makes his victim poor and dishonest.
Lotteries are liable to many of the strongest objections which can be alleged against gambling.
The lottery system, as at present constituted, presents the strongest temptations to fraud on the part of all those who are concerned either in the drawing of lotteries or in the sale of tickets.
After all the tempting promises of wealth, which are made by those concerned in this iniquitous system, how very few, except managers of lotteries and venders of lottery tickets, has it ever made rich!
The memorialists deemlotteries to be in Rhode Island a paramount social evil.
They filled eight thousand-rupee lotteries on the Broken-Link Handicap, and the account in the Pioneer said that "favoritism was divided.
The charter extended the eastern seaboard boundary to include the Bermudas and, in addition, gave the company the authority to holdlotteries for its own benefit.
The General Assembly is also forbidden to authorize lotteries (the distribution of prizes determined by chance or by lot) or to allow the residents of the state to buy, sell, or transfer lottery tickets or chances.
Anyone setting up or maintaining lotteries or deceitful games must forfeit 200 pounds, or go to prison up to 6 months.
Wars were funded not only by some duties, but by lotteries and short-term funding purchased at 5% yearly interest from the Bank of England and by long-term funding by the sale of annuities.
The boys were well rewarded for their trouble, and on the whole the lotteries appear to have been fairly conducted.
Peter's Day in the morning, which lotteries continued in drawing day and night, for the space of two or three dayes.
For more than two-and-a-half centuries statelotteries were popular in this country.
Those most interested in lotteries did not let them die without trying to prove their value to the public and the state.
One of them has money, and wanders from bow to stern asking strangers to drink, bossing lotteries on the run, and committing other atrocities.
I was afraid of it, but it followed me, and in a level expressionless voice began to tell me how lotteries were constructed.
They went into the club-room, where about sixty or seventy persons had assembled, and where the managers of the lotteries were selling tickets.
There werelotteries organized for the raising of funds for state and municipal expenses.
Lotteries are outlaws not only because they defraud but they undermine integrity and honest industry.
America prohibits lotteries, while lotteriesare flourishing on the European continent.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lotteries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.