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Example sentences for "lotterie"

Lexicographically close words:
lotion; lotions; loto; lots; lotted; lotteries; lottery; lotu; lotus; lotuses
  1. Her Maiesties poesie, at the great Lotterie in London.

  2. The proposal for this Lottery was as follows:-- A verie rich Lotterie Generall without any Blancks contayning a great No.

  3. Lotterie well, a man may draw his heart out ere a plucke one Cou.

  4. A great lotterie being holden at London, in Poules Church Yard, at the west dore, was begun to be drawne the eleventh of Januarie, and continued daie and night till the sixt of Maie, wherein the said drawing was fullie ended.

  5. Then, consider whether exercise of wit doth sanctifie playing with lotterie, or playing with lotterie make such exercising of wit a sinne (Hag.

  6. Yet Lotterie is used by casting Dice, and by shufling and cutting, before the wit is exercised.

  7. Stow, in his Annales, tells us of the next Lottery, 1585: “A lotterie for marvellous rich and beautifull armor was begunne to be drawne at London in S.

  8. Thirdly, swearing is to satisfie other, whereas this kind of lotterie is altogether to fulfil our own lusts.

  9. But dispensation for recreation by lotterie cannot be shewed.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lotterie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.