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Example sentences for "lookin"

Lexicographically close words:
looker; lookers; lookes; lookest; looketh; looking; lookit; lookout; lookouts; looks
  1. Dey would plant it on dis here black lookin dirt en when dey would see dat it was right ripe, dey would cut it en thrash it out.

  2. Been so crazy dat I was lookin in all de ditches for my baby.

  3. I slip home on steps at my mother's house lookin down playin wid de cat en look up in her face.

  4. I know dey said dat 'cause I was standin up listenin to dem just like any other child be standin dere lookin up in your mouth.

  5. Miss would make dat herself out dese black lookin seed mixed up in molasses.

  6. Wen I said this, the Deacon drew a long breth, an lookin down on the floor, didn't say enything for some minutes.

  7. Stantin didn't say nothin, but he was lookin round, I thought, to see where the Kernel's trowsers was.

  8. There was Linkin agroanin an writhin, an lookin as pale as a ghost, an as lean and lank as a rail.

  9. I had bent over the tabil so long, lookin at the diaphragms, that I had a stitch in my back, and Linkin was bent eenamost dubil.

  10. So he koncluded to try it, but wen the returns cum in, you never did see such a woe-begone lookin man.

  11. That gave him the hint, and Linkin rang a bell, and a sneakin lookin feller, in putty bad clothes, made his appearance.

  12. Then Mr. Blair got up, lookin as if he thought that wisdom would surely die when he did.

  13. Jest as I was about to give the Kernel some advice, who should come in but Sumnure, an a feller with a white handkercher around his neck, an two or three other solemn-lookin chaps.

  14. Seward got up, lookin very pale, an the fust thing he sed was, that he believed Seemore was elected Guvernor of New York.

  15. I came pretty nigh bustin my sides a laughin, for there Linkin stood up on a cheer, lookin for all the world like a treed porcupine; his hair stood on eends, and he was a shaking his pistol around as if he meant to shoot.

  16. One day I was standin lookin thru de bars o' de gate wen I seen out in de road de largest dog I ever seed in all my life.

  17. Der he sat en while we wus lookin he got up en walked off around the house.

  18. Wal, all I says is that a feller ez hez got a good lookin gal hed better not git a owin much in these ere times.

  19. Guess it muss be pooty good, or the cap'n would'n be lookin so darned pleased.

  20. Ye're lookin like it, at ony rate, if that smirk at the corner o' yer mouth has ony intelligence in't.

  21. A' this time the minister was lookin owre his window, richt abune the lovers, and heard every word o' what they said; but he keepit quiet till the argument should come to a crisis.

  22. What gars ye gang swaggerin up an' doon that gait, lookin as ye were demented?

  23. The fust speeker wot held forth, was a clerickel-lookin cus, wot peared to be only bout twenty-one years old.

  24. After lookin over his leger he found that No.

  25. His affeckshuns is all lavished on good lookin horses, and he'd giv more for one of them, than he wuld for Lillie Lan-kry or the hull curboodel of perfesshunal buties.

  26. I told him I didnt meen nothin by it enyway, cos I didnt xpect eny gurl'd think he was good lookin enuf to marry him.

  27. Wheat is lookin surprisinly well, though I found sum bare plasis in the north field.

  28. He wuz lookin at me & Abe hard with them mean, fatfish ize ov hizn.

  29. Yer can't tell misses how fur de bull-frog is ergwine ter jump by lookin at his mouf.

  30. Und yu er noratin de news, lookin dis werry minit lak a po run down gizzard shad wid one foot in de grabe und tuther wun er slanting innards.

  31. What Davy wants wi lookin for her I doant know.

  32. Think of not bein able to say nothin all your life without wavin your arms round an then lookin it up in a dickshunary.

  33. Everyone stands in the square lookin like a hat rack waitin for the three taxis to come along.

  34. The Sargent says, "Smith dont you know enuff not to go on guard lookin like that?

  35. I says whose that funny lookin old bird sittin across the room with a head like an egg.

  36. She was awful scared lookin an she didn’t want me much I see, but pretty soon she up an told me she had a note sayin there was a messenger with news from you out to the old Green Tavern.

  37. I’m danged if she beant about the smartest lookin o’ any on ’em.

  38. Is my bairn to be corrupted, an' her father lookin on?

  39. I suffered weel i' my young days for lookin down; but I fear I wad suffer mair noo for lookin up.

  40. There are queerer sights seen i' the warld, by lookin down than by lookin up, for a that astronomers may say on the subject.

  41. I have just been lookin at the weddin which has passed," answered the grocer; "an' sic a braw sicht hasna been seen in the village for mony a day.

  42. Dat wuz right mean in him--fine lookin gemman he were, at the head o' de line.

  43. Yes'em, fine lookin man he were, an he wore a fine suit.

  44. Schwimmen, shkimmen, fhlirdin dhey go Rect on der tob of dot goot-lookin shnow.

  45. Der peobles vas grazy, und caddles vood crow Und say how you vas, you goot-lookin shnow.

  46. Dot shnow vas vhite glean vhen it comes der shky down, Und yoost so muddy like mud, vhen it comes of der town; To been valked on py more as dwo hoondret fife feet, Dill gwick, vas yoost lookin so phlack like der shtreet.

  47. Vas I gone down so low, Vhen I vonce vas so vhiteness like dot goot-lookin shnow?

  48. I was lookin evry minute for one of 'em to light behind his saddle.

  49. Pears like he don come down de lane by hisself, and he standin down dar at de bars at de end ob de lane, lookin way off twords de house.

  50. Mistus ant touch nothin cep a little tea fer days, and Miss Charlotte she jest set dar at de winder lookin so white and still.

  51. I bleeged ter get dis lookin better fo mistus see it.

  52. I ain' see her today, but I lookin for her.

  53. No, mam, dey knock chillun down in dat day en time dat dey see standin up lookin in dey eyes to hear.

  54. On the cars was a he-lookin female, with a green-cotton umbreller in one hand and a handful of Reform tracks in the other.

  55. No," sez I, getting up and lookin under the seet, "whare is she?

  56. Direckly thar cum in two young Shakeresses, as putty and slick lookin gals as I ever met.

  57. Mister Blane, a sinister lookin man with his Belt full of knives & hoss pistils, axes one of the Browns to take a drink.

  58. Presently a perfeckly orful lookin female presented herself at the door.

  59. A solum female, lookin sumwhat like a last year's beanpole stuck into a long meal bag, cum in axed me was I athurst and did I hunger?

  60. Mister Junky is a noble lookin old man, & orter lead armies on to Battel instid of shoutin in a furrin tung.

  61. Wall, we sot thar on the fense, a swingin our feet two and fro, blushin as red as the Baldinsville skool house when it was fust painted, and lookin very simple, I make no doubt.

  62. Mister Blane, who is a dark bearded feroshus lookin person, then axis him whether he's fur or fernenst Slavery.

  63. His sword wus danglin tween his legs, and his cockd hat was drawn klean down over his ize, and he was plased in a stoopin posishun lookin zactly as tho he was as drunk as a biled owl.

  64. He bust into teers and axed me ef I saw that yung lady in the seet out yender, pintin to as slick a lookin gal as I ever seed.

  65. It was brown lookin and I jes though she had spilled snuff on em.

  66. I sho wus sprized when I seed dem Yankees, kass I neber knowed whut sort er lookin thing dat er Yankee wus.

  67. Now we air all ther time er lookin fer scripter ter back us up in our devalmint.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lookin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    looking after; looking ahead; looking animal; looking away; looking craft; looking creature; looking earnestly; looking east; looking face; looking fellow; looking for; looking forward; looking glass; looking hard; looking house; looking like; looking much; looking people; looking person; looking rather; looking south; looking through; looking unto; looking upon; looking west; looking young