Robert Sanderson, Late Lord Bishop of Lincoln THE LIFE OF MR.
E16] That Leonora here speaks of her husband as her 'late lord,' is due only to the fact that the Memoir was not written till after his death; at the time of these events he was still alive.
I dined with my late Lord Chancellor, where also dined Mr. Ashburnham, and Mr. W.
Evelyn could not have visited the "late Lord Chancellor" on that day.
It is now called Burgaveny house, and belongeth to Henry, late Lord of Burgaveny.
In this street the first fair building to be noted on the east side is called the Coursitors' office, built with divers fair lodgings for gentlemen, all of brick and timber, by Sir Nicholas Bacon, late lord keeper of the great seal.
To my Lord Bellasses, at his new house by my late Lord Treasurer's; which indeed is mighty noble, and good pictures, indeed not one bad one in it.
There cannot be a man of common feelings who has not compassion for such a death as that of mylate lord of Orleans; and it must not be wondered at if I compare our adversary to Cain, for in them I see many features of resemblance.
We talked together near an hour upon general things, but had no particular discourse about my late lord's effects, as I wanted to have.
Lord Halsbury, a late Lord Chancellor, was another subject for whom I have the greatest admiration, and he is one of the very remarkable men of the day.
The picture was painted for the late Lord Ribblesdale, and when it proved to be too large to hang on his walls, the canvas was rolled and stored in the cellars of the British Museum.
A strikingly unconventional looking man was the late Lord Grimthorpe, who came under my observation in '89; he wore a swallow tail coat, and never carried a stick or an umbrella.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "late lord" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.