Landlords and tenants are as much at loggerheads here as they are in Ireland; the Government has issued three decrees to regulate the question.
All this time the General and the members of the Government, who were at loggerheads with each other, privately confessed to their friends that the situation was growing every day more critical.
Vernon, always in mischief from sunrise to gunfire, and always at loggerheads with my first lieutenant and the master, poor old Cosine!
In 1688 the governor and council found themselves at complete loggerheads with parliament, and legislation stopped.
Three Loggerheads for an alehouse in North Wales, which gave its name to the village of Loggerheads, near the town of Mould.
We can scarcely think that any symbolism was intended, and that theLoggerheads were emblematical of the secretary's silence and discretion.
This old anecdote may have given rise to scriveners using theLoggerheads as their sign, which otherwise seems a not very pleasant reflection on their customers.
Thomas and General Dall' Olio came rather to loggerheads over something or other, steel I think.
But I understood you to say that you yourself had told him to see her home," Simon Loggerheads put in.
Mr Loggerheads was the principal tenor of the Bursley Glee and Madrigal Club.
Nevertheless, Mr Simon Loggerheads regretted that prompt opening, as one regrets the prompt opening of the door of a dentist.
In a word, Simon Loggerheads was a personage, if not talkative.
Loggerheads is a local term for a harmless plant called the knapweed (centaurea nigra), and it is also the appellation of a place and of quite excellent people, and no one regards it as even the least bit odd.
For twenty years Simon Loggerheads had been marked down for capture by the marriageable spinsters and widows, and the mothers with daughters, of Bursley.
Simon Loggerheads set the clock by his own impeccable watch, and then sat down again.
She did not understand how, as a result of Simon Loggerheadsfalling in love with her, she had fallen in love with him.
Though all my younger days we were at loggerheadswith them, there happened just then, for a wonder, to be a peace between our two nations, so there was no fear but what we should be treated as friends.
We hadn't come to loggerheadswith the mounseers, though we knew pretty well that it wouldn't be long before we were that.
But he was continually at loggerheadswith the monks.
Poor Breteuil was for a long time at loggerheads with his friend, and the Lord's Prayer became a standing reproach to him.
Herring The Loggerheads Llanverris David Cox The Fox and Pelican Grayshott Walter Crane The Row Barge Wallingford Leslie The George and Dragon Wargrave Leslie and Hodgson The Ferry Rosneath H.
Shows two grinning faces and underneath is written We Three Loggerheads be and the observer is the third of the trio.
So he told her about Wills and Mayne's flattering if abortive enquiry, and how Mr. Claud Beverley and Mr. Langley Etheringham were at loggerheads over the farce.
But, then, that the instrument might play, our heroine would have had to release her two hands and leave the two controllers at loggerheads with their own hands.
Scarcely a relative or an acquaintance did we possess in St. Petersburg, and even Anna Thedorovna and my father had come to loggerheads with one another, owing to the fact that he owed her money.
Neither my mother nor Anna Thedorovna were present at the requiem, for the former was ill and the latter was at loggerheads with the old man.
No consolation could be found in the distant voices of the two servants at loggerheads in the basement.
It was because, as his own disordered passion grew, as he found himself more and more at loggerheads with his lot, he became more and more alive to the danger of relying on this woman herself as his protection against himself.
We got out at six in the morning, and, instead of going directly home, I used to go up to the woods of Scotston and Scotston Moor, scoured the country round them, and then returned home by the Auld Brig.
Home, I should add, was at this time a widower and at loggerheads with his late wife's relations in Russia, in respect to her property.
But the bar of Pollard's Tahvern no longer presented its old attractions, and the loggerheads had long disappeared from the fire.
Then they needed wagons and locomotives, and of course immediately found themselves at loggerheads with the railway authorities.
You seem to have got at loggerheads with everybody here, and it's no more comfortable for us than it is for you.
You're at loggerheads with half your parishioners at one time or another.
He sets him at loggerheads with all the noble families, unceasingly pointing out some wife to seduce, a sister to carry off, a daughter to dishonour.
In the midst of all this, Harel, who was atloggerheads with Hugo, came to me from time to time to tease me to write him another play.
Besides, we should probably have got to loggerheads in any case, and without anything like so good a reason.
His knowledge of human nature suggested to him the almost impossibility of two men living alone, in intimacy so close and exclusive, and with so little outlet for their thoughts and energies, without coming to loggerheads at times.
The motion to substitute the Loggerheads for the Queen Elizabeth was also defeated, and the compound resolution proposed by Harlow was then carried nem.
The new hand offered to withdraw his suggestion re the Three Loggerheads in favour of the Semi-drunks proposition, but the latter said it didn't matter; it could go as it was.
The new hand moved to substitute the Loggerheads for the Queen Elizabeth.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "loggerheads" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.