Arithmetical complement of a logarithm, the difference between a logarithm and the number ten.
C the number of bacterial spores can be reduced 1 logarithm (90 percent) for every 2 hours of exposure (refs.
Seventhly, next the verge or outermost edge is a line of equal parts to get the Logarithm of any number, or the Logarithm sine and Tangent of any ark or angle to four figures besides the carracteristick.
Base of a plane right-angled triangle, increased by the addition of the Logarithm of BC, the hypothenuse thereof, is equall to the Logarithme of CA the cathetus.
If the characteristic of a logarithm is negative, Oughtred indicates this fact by placing the - above the characteristic.
The logarithm of the number is then obtained by adding the previously calculated logarithms of the factors.
A similar treatment is accorded the weight of carbon dioxide absorbed from the air-sample, (b) being ultimately the logarithm of the volume of carbon dioxide.
The logarithm of the total volume is recorded as a result of the addition of these three logarithms enumerated, and from this logarithm is expressed the total volume of air in liters.
A number being given, how to find its logarithm in the tables of Callet.
A logarithm being given, how to find the number to which it belongs.
These books, as well as the logarithm tables, every student must have a copy of, as he can not do without them in the school, and may frequently require them in future life.
We have suppressed the inapplicable method of determining logarithms by continued fractions, and have substituted the employment of the series which gives the logarithm of n+1, knowing that of n.
Calculation of logarithms by means of the series which gives the logarithm of n + 1, knowing that of n.
To find the logarithm of 2, Briggs raised it to the tenth power, viz.
If the logarithm required is Briggian, the value of the series is to be multiplied by M.
The fact that when the base is 10 the mantissa of the logarithm is independent of the position of the decimal point in the number affords the chief reason for the choice of 10 as base.
Logarithms thus increased are frequently referred to for the sake of distinction as tabular logarithms, so that the tabular logarithm = the true logarithm + 10.
Why, sir, the long and short of the matter is this--I only asked at that fellow there, that logarithm of stupidity!
It is difficult to classify a logarithmexcept as a logarithm:--yet Napier did create something; he did make something exist that had not existed before; he did conceive an idea and embody that idea in a concrete machine.
Under his kindly tuition I filled many note-books, covered whole pages with figures supposed to calculate the logarithmof a number, without even knowing what a logarithm was!
As the only variable quantity in the above formula is the "True" semi-diameter of the moon at the time, we may add the Constant logarithm 2.
In that theory it seems as if we try to replace our ordinary notion of distance between two points by the logarithm of a certain anharmonic ratio[46].
The result will be the logarithm for the hours and minutes from Noon at which the Sun was in the exact position it held at the birth.
As the table of antilogarithms is formed by successive multiplications, so the logarithm of any given number is in theory found by successive divisions.
The calculation of a logarithm can be performed by successive divisions; evolution requires special methods.
N = a^p, then p is called the logarithm of N to the base a, and is written loga N.
The Logarithm in relation to Federal Home Rule," by Mr. F.
Distance between two points: Logarithm of the cross ratio of these two points and the intersections of the fundamental plane with a circle passing through these two points and cutting it orthogonally.
We can calculate our logarithm without recourse to the table, but we do not wish to give ourselves the trouble.
What is the probability that the fifth decimal of a logarithm taken at random from a table is a '9'?
In the original tables of Napier the logarithm of 10 was 3.
This last definition contains what we should now call the differential equation between a number and the logarithmof its reciprocal.
The logarithm of any sine is the number most nearly denoting the line, which has increased uniformly, whilst the radius has diminished to that sine proportionally, the initial velocity being the same in both motions.
Then I said: ‘How is it that Saint Radegonde doesn’t know the logarithm of 9?
When my turn came, I asked her this simple question: “‘What is the logarithm of 9’?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "logarithm" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.