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Example sentences for "lofting"

Lexicographically close words:
loftie; loftier; loftiest; loftily; loftiness; lofts; lofty; log; loganberry; logarithm
  1. It is longer because one has sometimes to play high lofting shots over trees and the like, and in such cases the loft of the mashie is necessary and a considerable amount of power as well--hence the extra stick.

  2. The fact of the matter is, that this shot is really a combination of lofting and putting with many more uncertain quantities to be dealt with than when one is really putting on the green.

  3. But some golfers like taking the fullest mashie stroke that they can, and, when hesitating between the use of an iron or the lofting club, they usually decide in favour of the latter.

  4. The mashie is meant to loft, and it is practically impossible to play a long shot with it without lofting the ball very much and exposing it to all the wind that there is about.

  5. Whipple meanwhile had redeemed himself with a high lofting stroke that carried past the threatening dangers of Masters Bunker and back on to the course within a few yards of West's lie.

  6. But pictures are not enough although most authors draw so badly that if one of them happens to have the genius for line that Mr. Lofting shows there must be, one feels, something in his writing as well.

  7. You cannot read the first paragraph of the book, which begins in the right way "Once upon a time" without knowing that Mr. Lofting believes in his story quite as much as he expects you to.

  8. And when Mr. Lofting invents fantastic animals he gives them a kind of credible possibility which is extraordinarily convincing.

  9. I don't know how Mr. Lofting has done it; I don't suppose that he knows himself.

  10. Lewis Carroll absolutely conquered the difficulties, but I am not sure that anyone after him until Hugh Lofting has really managed the trick; even in such a masterpiece as "The Wind in the Willows" we are not quite convinced.

  11. Speaking of lofting a stymie Taylor says: "Then, exactly as the club strikes the ball, the wrists must be turned in an upward direction smartly.

  12. An onlooker did indeed tell me that Young Tommy showed his skill wonderfully in lofting off the snowy ground to the small circles that had been swept round the holes.

  13. Young Tommy, ever an innovating genius, is credited with being the first to use the niblick for lofting approaches, but the niblick of those days was peculiarly ill adapted to such delicate uses.

  14. He picked them clean from the turf, lofting them with that back-spin which causes them to drop almost dead.

  15. He good-naturedly consented to try lofting and approaching shots.

  16. I think I can take it out," he said, reaching in the bag for a heavy, old-fashioned lofting iron.

  17. Golf) Defn: An iron club used in lofting the ball; -- called also lofting iron.

  18. Run: Running the ball along the ground instead of lofting it; and also the run of a drive is the distance the ball runs after reaching the ground.

  19. An iron-headed club intermediate between the cleek and lofting mashie.

  20. To send the ball low and close to the ground in approaching the hole--opposite to lofting it up.

  21. The lofting mashie has the blade much laid back, for playing a short lofting shot.

  22. There are driving irons and lofting irons according to the purposes for which they are intended.

  23. A short wooden club, with laid-back face, for lofting shots.

  24. The cannon spewed flame, lofting the wheels upward over the river.

  25. Hawksworth was still lagging in front of his own hal when suddenly he saw the ball lofting toward him, a flaming mortar in the darkened sky.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lofting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    elevation; erection; raising; rearing; uplifting