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Example sentences for "little lime"

  • If I take a glass and draw off some of the water, I find that it tastes a little acid to the mouth: it is impregnated with carbonic acid; and if I now apply a little lime-water to it, that will give us a test of its presence.

  • Here is a globe which contains a little lime-water, and it is so arranged as regards the pipes, as to give access to the air within, so that we can ascertain the effect of respired or unrespired air upon it.

  • Tie some of it into a thin muslin, put on the edges of the broken china some white of an egg, and dust on a little lime as quickly as possible; but be careful to unite the broken parts very exactly.

  • It should also be applied to the walls of the room to insure success; and if mixed with a little lime, it will produce a lively yellow.

  • To detect the alum, let the suspected liquor be mixed with a little lime water.

  • Sometimes a little more soda or a little lime is added, as may be judged from the appearance of the vat, these appearances being practically the same as those met with in the woad vat, which have already been described in detail.

  • Should it be found that the fermentation is going on too rapidly, a little lime may be thrown in, which will retard it.

  • Do not let it stand too long before use, make it alkaline by adding a little lime.

  • If water containing a little lime in solution be added to burnt gypsum, a very hard compact mass is obtained.

  • To hasten the formation of the indigo, a little lime water is sometimes added to the yellow solution.

  • When this is the case it may be remedied by adding a little lime water to it previous to its being drunk.

  • Mixed with an equal quantity of ashes and a little lime, and applied to any crop immediately after hoeing, or when just coming up, it adds materially to its growth.

  • If you plant pomice, put in a little lime or ashes to counteract the acid.

  • A little lime, plaster, and common salt, sown on any pasture, will prove very beneficial.

  • It has been said that glass made from silica and alkalis alone, will not resist the action of water, but that the addition of a little lime is necessary for this effect.

  • By gentle calcination, a portion of the carbonic acid is expelled, and a little lime is combined with the clay, while a silicate of clay and lime results, associated with lime in a subcarbonated state.

  • They contain a little lime; but I found no tests of foraminifera.

  • The lower coarse tuffs contain very little lime, probably not over 1 per cent.

  • It apparently contains a little lime, and probably was at one time foraminiferous; but it is now much affected by hydration.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "little lime" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    ecclesiastical discipline; existent being; little bell; little below; little bottle; little deprecatory; little doubtful; little dove; little figure; little fish; little flour; little grim; little hill; little lake; little late; little light; little longer; little man; little nervous; little paste; little puss; little shop; little small; little smile; little sugar; little world