So that whatever perfections we observe in any being must have been originally and eternally in the self-existent being.
All his thoughts were henceforward confined to the contemplation of this necessarily self-existent Being.
God is the self-existent Being, which includes all, and beyond which no other can be imagined.
Now, we submit that the concept of being, and the concept of absolute self-existent being, are perfectly distinct from each other, and that they spring from different laws of thought.
Thus, in the first place, the self-existent Being must of necessity be eternal.
Clarke does not here understand that as the self-existent Being had no beginning, he can have no end.
Though the substance, or essence of the self-existent Being, is in itself absolutely incomprehensible to us, yet many of the essential attributes of his nature are strictly demonstrable, as well as his existence.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "existent being" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.