It was only when a limpet was caught napping that it was possible to secure him: once he sat down tight and excluded the air from his shell, no amount of pulling could move him.
Sand-gobies were darting about in the pools, and came swimming up to fight for the pieces of limpet which the girls dropped in for them.
The abalone (Haliotis) and the keyhole limpet (Fissurella) are examples.
The common European limpet (Patella vulgata) is largely used for food.
You will know, if you have tried to force a Limpet from its hold on the rock, how very tightly it clings.
The Limpet has a broad "foot," which almost fills up the opening of its shell.
It can be used as a sucker; and it is this which enables the Limpet to cling so firmly to its rock.
When the tide is out, the Limpet clings to the rock, its soft body tucked safely away in the shell.
The Limpet crawls to the seaweed and begins to browse, using a rasp like that of the Periwinkle.
The force with which a Limpet adheres to the rock is very great, especially when it has had warning of assault, and has had time to put out its muscular strength.
One of the most curious peculiarities in the Limpet is its gill or breathing organ.
If an adhering Limpet were cut quite through perpendicularly, shell and animal, the two parts maintained their hold with unabated force, although of course a vacuum, if there had been one, would have been destroyed by the incision.
But the limpet is univalve, and has a smooth shell; and the mussel has a united shell.
See this other in some wild storm, with an arm round a steadfast tree-stem, to keep him from being blown over the precipice, how he clings like a limpet to a rock.
As thelimpet holds on to its rock, as the ivy clings to the wall, as a shipwrecked sailor grasps the spar which keeps his head above water, so a Christian man ought to hold on to God, with all his energy, and with all parts of his nature.
The most familiar of the first is the limpet or Patella, which is a depressed, conical, oval disk, looking not unlike a miniature shield.
Another species is the key-hole limpet (Fissurella), distinguished by having a slit or foramen in the apex of the shell.
In thelimpet we find a departure from the general form of both animal and shell, both being bilaterally symmetrical, that is, having both sides alike.
By Detachment they mean the eviction of the limpet from its crevice; the refusal to anchor yourself to material things, to regard existence from the personal standpoint, or confuse custom with necessity.
Wondering what I could do that they might not go supperless to bed, I strolled along the sands by the sea in the hope of finding some odd limpet or whelk which, together with a few dried dandelion leaves, might make a simple stew.
Seated on my throne from morning until night, overburdened by the weight of my crown and the heavily brocaded and bejewelled robes, I felt as lonely as a stranded limpet in the middle of the Sahara desert.
If it failed to detach the limpet at once it would go on to another, knowing that when once disturbed the limpet requires great force to detach it.
The ormer adheres to the rocks like the limpet tribe, but is seldom seen above low water-mark, like the limpet, who loves to be exposed to the sun and air twice a day.
When the twelve minutes were up Limpet rang a hell, and the clerk went in search of Mr. Egerton, and bowed him into the presence of the firm.
Grigg andLimpet are sitting opposite each other to-day in room B.
When young Limpet came out, Mr. Preene and his young friend watched him into the cab and heard him tell the cabman where to drive to.
Limpet had a great admiration for the daring manner in which his boy defied Grigg.
Both Grigg and Limpet were anxious to have the mystery of his laziness in coming to life explained, and had been puzzling their brains to account for it.
After that the partners agreed that the less Limpet junior attended to business, the more likely he was to be worth the salary he drew.
Envious neighbours said that Grigg started in the profession with six dozen of the said boxes, bought cheap at a sale, and that the capital which Limpet brought into the business was a gross more.
Mrs. Turvey said 'Thank you,' and dropped a curtsey, and wondered whether she ought to shake hands with Grigg and Limpet or not.
Send this note and the few shillings expenses, and then Grigg and Limpetwill have recovered the debt.
Grigg bows to the ladies, Limpet to the gentlemen.
Clients calling on Grigg and Limpet are always kept waiting from ten minutes to a quarter of an hour.
Thus Birnie was duly left executor, and Grigg and Limpet were appointed his solicitors, in order to relieve the doctor of any responsibility.
He was out of the Burlington and down the other end of Bond Street before young Limpet strolled out of the arcade.
Time they were here,' Limpet always says more than Grigg.
He should take up his residence at his house again tomorrow, and on any matter of business that might be necessary Grigg & Limpet could communicate with him there.
Limpet called his son a foolish fellow to talk such nonsense, and went out with him into the adjoining room.
The refuse-heaps contained a good many seal and whale bones, besides echinoderms, limpet and trumpet shells, the latter shell here taking the place of the mussel.
These mounds are principally composed of mussel and limpet shells, the latter predominating; and among the interstices were great numbers of insects and worms.
The Manor lies in its parish and Uncle Dick would know if a single limpet was knocked off.
But perhaps the most grotesque object in the whole collection is the limpetshell with a human face sculptured on its inner surface.
I stick to thelimpet shell of Mr. Millar, which, to my eyes looks anything but archaic.
The enamelling of some of the limpet and mussel shells is still as beautiful as almost to persuade one that the animal had been but newly taken out.
As the list indicates, the periwinkle was the most frequent shell in the mound; but we went deeper down, and the farther we went into the bank the limpet was most predominant, and in fact was almost the exclusive shell.
Large masses of periwinkle and limpet shells, mixed with bones, flint splinters, and bone instruments of the rudest sort, were found.
When I left the house Deveril was talking with O'Brien over the way; Limpet had disappeared for the time being.
As I expected, after a few minutes, Limpet entered, asking for a glass of bitter; he soon got interested in our talk.
At midnight Deveril came, accompanied by two other officers, who relieved Limpet and O'Brien.
Limpet was pacing up and down distractedly, uncertain whether to stick to his post or join his comrade in pursuit.
A few passers-by stopped to listen to the two foreigners, who danced around, growing ever more noisy; but Limpet and O'Brien stood firm.
As the hansom drew up, Sylvestre, with a polite bow, offered a drink to Limpet and O'Brien.
The public-house has opened, Limpet has gone inside, and only O'Brien remains on guard.
I was told off to look out of a front window from behind a curtain and report on the situation, but only to return with the news that Limpet and O'Brien were both leaning airily on their sticks studying the heavens with imperturbable calm.
We shook hands, and I told them how I had been followed by Detective Limpet and how he and O'Brien were stationed opposite the house.
I was relieved to find that Deveril had left, and that only Limpet and O'Brien were on guard.
In habits the key-hole limpetresembles the limpet, living in one rocky place and making excursions for food.
Some experiments which were made on the English limpet several years ago showed that they could sustain a weight of thirty pounds attached to their shell without being pulled from the rock.
The Limpet or Patella is a familiar mollusk to many visitors at the sea shore.
On the British coast the limpetis used as an article of food and primitive man not only ate the mollusks but made a necklace by stringing the shells together.
Immovably cling to the immovable foundation; and though you be but like the limpet on the rock hold fast by the Rock, as the limpet does; for it is an insult to the certainty of the revelation, when there is hesitation in the believer.
And when the devil got tired of waiting and went away, poor old Tregagle had to come back and go to work again at emptying the pool with his limpet shell.
I never heard of Tregagle," said the driver, "but the way I heard the story was that it was the devil himself who had to empty the pool with a limpet shell, and he did it.
He was once a wicked steward, I think, who killed his master and mistress and got the property that belonged to their child, and for that he was condemned to empty Dozmare Pool with a limpet shell.
Here is a limpet in some pond or other, left by the tide, and it has relaxed its grasp a little.
This animal is not only like the limpet in form but also in habits, being found adhering to the rocks and stones at low-water.
Oh, I thought you were limpet shells broken and mended," said the Child.
It is shaped like a tiny rough mountain, or rather like a volcano, for you see there is a hole in its summit; and we call it the keyhole limpet on account of the shape of that hole.
Well, the reason is that a limpet clings to a rock by turning the whole lower surface of its body into one big sucker; it presses it tightly against the rock and then lifts the middle part.
Another kind of limpet is very common on those rocky shores, which is shaped somewhat like a loose round-toed slipper or a French sabot.
They are to be identified with the ring-like area of adhesion by which the foot-muscle of the limpet is attached to the shell of that animal.