If a compound possessing a definite melting point is formed, the equilibrium curve will have the general form shown by curve I.
In general form, however, they resemble those of the preceding specimen very closely.
The teeth themselves have the same general formas those of the preceding specimen, but are larger.
Kiska photograph represents an animal practically identical in general form, as well as in the general shape of the head, the length and form of the snout, the size and general shape of the pectoral fins.
These teeth are longer than those of the preceding specimen, and while they resemble the latter in general form, taper much more gradually to the tip.
Those which, in general form, more or less resemble the larvae from which they have proceeded.
Those which ingeneral form more or less resemble the perfect insect.
The skull is very like that of the wolverenes in general form.
In general formit closely resembles one type of the pointed instruments from the Valley-gravels.
A large proportion of them are very rude, though they were evidently chipped into shape for some particular purpose, and approximate to the more symmetrical specimens in general form.
Though smaller, and rather more deeply notched at the base than my Shetland knife, it is curiously like it in general form.
Quite a number of marine worms closely allied to the common ragworm, and resembling it in general form, are to be found on our shores.
The other is very similar in general form, but has no spiny beak and the abdomen is much broader in the middle than at the base.
Its leaves are opposite, stalked, broadly heart-shaped in general form, but cut into three or five sharply-toothed lobes.
Chama in general form, has a separate bony appendage attached to the hinge, and may, moreover, be distinguished by its elongated muscular impression.
A genus of shells partly resembling Buccinum, and Terebra in general form, being more elongated than the former and more ventricose than the latter.
This shell is like Chama in general form, but is distinguished by the clavicle or shelly appendage from which its name is derived.
Art) Defn: A clock whose decorative case has the general form of a vase, esp.
Defn: Capable of being generalized, or reduced to a general form of statement, or brought under a general rule.
Capable of being generalized, or reduced to a general form of statement, or brought under a general rule.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "general form" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.