The evening before, Tallien had vehemently assailed the reign of terror, and Lecointre was.
Accordingly they vehemently opposed the motion, and Merlin de Douai went so far as to say: "Do you want to throw open the doors of the Temple?
The aggressive policy wasvehemently advocated by Alcibiades, and opposed by Nicias.
The queen, who vehemently and piteously appealed to Henry, passionately protesting that she was absolutely innocent, was also condemned, and was beheaded in public on Tower Hill.
He there acquainted her with his application to the Marchioness; her rejection of his suit; and vehemently urged her to a private marriage.
Moreover he had been singing most vehemently in the church, and hence he began to feel in a piteous plight, and to long for a dram.
After a few months Lord Derby's ministry fell, defeated on the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Budget, which had been vehemently attacked by Mr. Gladstone.
But when Mr. Cleveland's Venezuelan message with its menaces to England appeared in December 1895, Mr. Godkin vehemently denounced it, as indeed he had frequently before blamed particular acts of the Cleveland administrations.
The more vehemently he cried out, the more violently did the lictor tear off his clothes and strip him.
This was vehemently contradicted; but a tall, scrawny man seemed to have undertaken to defend the ruler's violence.
Then I remarked that between the morass and the mountain-snows lie sunny valleys where life would be pleasant; but he flew into a rage, vehemently protesting that he would never be content with the pitiable middle course of Horace.
That David should be presuming to censure him was a situation not the less annoying because it seemed to him anomalous, and they were no sooner in the cab than he began vehemently to expatiate upon his grievance.
Her mind and spirit responded vehemently to his verse.
Smeaton, with his heart beating more vehemently than it would have done at the sight of the block and axe.
As they approached the barricade, no movement was made to let them pass out; and Forster was seen speaking vehemently to Brigadier Macintosh, who, with a dogged look of defiance, turned sullenly away just as Smeaton arrived upon the ground.
La Fallotte was a hunchback, vehemently suspected of dealings in necromancy, and of riding to nocturnal orgies on a broomstick, according to the custom of witches.
The other side, of course, vehemently denied that there was the slightest ground for such a suspicion.
Chinese-cook, swearing vehemently in the language likeliest to count, and he ran at once towards the kitchen.
The doctor who had been with Van at Queenie's death arrived in the press, got wind of the crisis, and vehemently protested the truth.
My Son, a man often striveth vehemently after somewhat which he desireth; but when he hath obtained it he beginneth to be of another mind, because his affections towards it are not lasting, but rather rush on from one thing to another.
Upon some he lavished praise; others he vehemently rebuked; while to others he gave tender pity.
So severely had she blamed the conduct of Mademoiselle de la Valliere, while often vehemently denouncing that which she termed the disorder at Court, that, since the birth of the Duc du Maine, I had not gone to the convent to see her.
I have remarked, with regard to grown-up Arabs, that though they wrangle vehemently with the dragoman on the subject of payment, they invariably show the master a pleasant and satisfied face.
My example was instantly followed by the whole party, amid bursts of merriment, as each remarked the funny attitude and odd gestures of his neighbors while vehemently rubbing, rasping, grating, and grinding down the roots allotted to him.
The wrath of the discomfited passenger was vehemently kindled.
We waved and shouted even more vehemently than before, but even I was almost in despair.
He rather vehemently reasserted the substance of the resolution, saying that we Republicans would find the two hundred thousand Ohio Democrats in front of us, if we attempted to cross the Ohio River.
After the war began he still advocated peace at any price, and vehemently opposed every effort to subdue the rebellion.
He chose the latter alternative, largely, it would seem, owing to the influence of his vehemently Catholic Empress[19].
The selection was vehemently criticized, the local Bar and Press clamouring for the appointment of a barrister and for Mr. Copleston's head on a charger.
By all classes of Europeans the proposal wasvehemently opposed.
When he reached the bank of the Thames, however, he could see nothing but some moving objects on the other side; and, eager in the cause he had undertaken, he urged his horse vehementlyupon the ice.
Bois good morning, he broke away and pursued the carriage; for some time he kept up with it, then Gaston saw him motion vehemently to a sleepy coachman, who was lazily driving an empty fiacre.
Her aunt could not refuse a request so vehemently urged, and begged M.