On the right is a barren hill with leafless trees, and at its base some ancient ruins and a crumbling fountain.
The most striking objects in it are the leafless tree-stems, the counterpart, as it were, of the hard and bony human figures of which he was so fond, and therefore an illustration of his love for anatomical forms.
The first thing he saw was that outside a beautiful clear moon was now shining; the leafless elm-trees and the heavy-foliaged pines throwing sharp black shadows across the white road.
It was a wild, changeable, blowy morning; sunlight and gloom intermingled; and ever the wind howled and moaned around the house, and the leafless trees outside bent and shivered before the wintry blast.
What that mysterious gloom had meant on the previous evening was revealed to them the next morning by a roaring wind that came swooping down from the Clebrig slopes, shaking the house, and howling through the bent and leafless trees.
The hour of eight had sounded from the steeple of a neighboring church; a brilliant winter sun arose to brighten a pure blue sky behind the tall leafless trees, which in summer formed a dome of verdure over the summer-house.
He moved about, looking, and passed the wall of leafless lilacs and mulberries.
They were between him and the leafless lilacs and mulberries that lined the street wall.
Leafless trees and isolated houses, with now and then a white hamlet, town, or village, are the only objects that break the vast extent of plain.
Above him rose the gentle hill, clad from the margin of the river to the summit with loftyleafless trees, beneath which brambles and underwood lay bare and ragged, and under all a thin carpet of moss-like grass.
The spring twilight was closing in as he crossed the bridge and walked briskly along an avenue of leafless trees at the side of the green.
It was furnished with a stout leafless rachis, or leaf-stalk, exceedingly similar in form to that of our common brake (Pteris aquilina).
He groped his way feebly and wearily amidst the leafless wood, and through the rotting vegetation decaying in oozy slime beneath the black shelter of the naked trees.
The bleak winter crept slowly past, and the shrill March winds were loud amidst the leafless trees in the wood behind Marchmont Towers.
Captain Arundel took his servant's arm and walked out into the quadrangle, and from the quadrangle to the low-lying woody swamp, where the stunted trees looked grim and weird-like in their leafless ugliness.
Here, at the feet of the tall, clean trees, looking up through the leafless limbs, I had something of a measure for the flight of the birds.
I once found the mummied body of a chippy twisting and swinging in the leafless branches of a peach tree.
Ah, there they stand, only their leafless tops showing; but see the hard angular limbs, how closely globed with fruit!
As I was following the course of a mountain stream through the leafless woods early in April, the silence was broken by a strange musical alarm.
A cold bluish light pervades the leafless woods, reflected from the snow and appearing to emanate from the ground rather than the sky.
Presently they will be flitting among the still leafless brambles and briers with an air of secrecy and importance.
We watched the exquisite rhythm of the body of men moving in scarlet and silver further down the leafless avenue, like a slightly wavering spark of red life blown along.
As I went along the quiet roads where the lamps in yellow loneliness stood among the leafless trees of the night I would feel the feeling of the dark, wet bit of path between the wood meadow and the brooks.
For one short hour; unseen yet near, They haunt us, a forgotten mood, A glory upon mead and mere, A magic in the leafless wood.
They are arranged in long, leafless panicles; and the outer lobes of the perianth of the female flowers are turned back on the peduncle, while the inner are enlarged and swollen, and close over the fruit.
These plants are the Bladderworts (Utricularia), of the order Lentibulaceae, and are so called because they have little air-bladders either attached to the leaves or supported on leafless branches.
Flowers in axillary and terminal, leafless spikes, with a calyx that does not cover the fruit.
The heads are usually three or four in number, on long leafless peduncles.
The flowers are perfect, reddish green, in distant whorls, forming a terminal raceme which isleafless above.
The flowers, which appear during July and August, are usually over an inch in diameter, and are solitary on long, leafless peduncles.
Its leaves are sessile, oblong or obovate, tapering towards the base, thin, and arranged in spreading rosettes; and the stem is leafless with the exception of little bracts at the base of the pedicels.
This plant has a smooth, slender, stem, with a few forked branches, and is usually leafless at the base on account of the early decay of the lower leaves.
They have each a rosette of entire, radical leaves, the lowest of which lie close against the soil or rock on which the plant grows; and violet or yellow flowers on leafless peduncles.
They haveleafless flower-stalks, each bearing a one-sided spike or raceme of white flowers.
Tweel stuck his beak into the sand and drew up his legs and arms and looked for all the world like one of those leafless shrubs out there.
Mare Chronium was just the same sort of place as this--crazy leafless plants and a bunch of crawlers; I gave it a glance and hauled out my sleeping bag.
He let go her hands, and moved beside her under the leafless trees.
He slung his sketching things over his shoulder and began to mount the crooked rocky road of moss-grown stone with cyclamen growing in its crevices, and the rose-hued flowers of the leafless cereus springing up here and there.
When the sun withdrew himself thus, flying and flaring to the west, behind the boughs of leafless trees, what was the hidden secret presence that stood there as it were finger on lip, inviting yet denying?
She heard the passing chirp of birds; she caught glimpses of leafless woods spreading a tracery of boughs against the brightness of the sky.
It looks like an old wizard," said Mr. Standish, pointing to the leafless tree standing gaunt against the dying light.
Overhead the lighted blind showed where the mysterious stranger still kept vigil; and over the way, beyond the still leafless trees, towered up the twisted chimneys of Mrs. Baxter's house.
Then, with an odd look on her face, she turned sharply aside to where the church tower pricked above the leafless trees.
The leafless rose-bushes stand shivering in a shallow snowdrift, looking, poor things!
The barns, the cots And leafless elms return the joyous sounds.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leafless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.