It is a charming species, having bright-yellow flowers, the chief characteristic of which is the cone-like or broadly funnel-shaped trumpet.
Mr. Salter informs me that with all the varieties the commonest kind of bud-variation is the production of yellow flowers, and, as this is the primordial colour, these cases may be attributed to reversion.
I believe that the pods from the yellow flowers yield a full complement of seed; they certainly yield a large number.
Mr. Salter has given me a list of seven differently coloured chrysanthemums, which have all produced branches with yellow flowers; but three of them have also sported into other colours.
A variety called cedo nulli bears small yellow flowers, but habitually produces branches with white flowers; and a specimen was exhibited, which Prof.
I believe that the pods from the yellow flowers yield a full complement of seed; they certainly yield a larger number.
Defn: A trailing plant (Lysimachia Nummularia), with rounded opposite leaves and solitary yellow flowers in their axils.
Scorzonera Hispanica) with narrow, entire leaves, and solitary heads of yellow flowers.
They have all the same bright yellow flowers as the St. John’s wort, and are nearly all taller.
Vigorous plants of the lily order, with long leaves and graceful habit, and large and showy red–orange or yellow flowers, sometimes scented as delicately as the primrose.
A good shrub for a sheltered bank; it has spikes of bright-yellow flowers in July.
A very different plant from the above, and will make a very large bush, covered with pale-yellow flowers in late summer.
The four-petalled, light-yellow flowers are in small dense clusters at the ends of the branches; a trail of small, erect seedpods is left in the wake of the flowers as they continue to bloom along the lengthening stem.
During May and June they carry at their summit a loose cluster of bright, orange-yellow flowers.
In the dull, greenish-yellow flowers, however, lies the chief interest of the botanist.
The former is an erect plant, from one to two feet high, with numerous, small, yellow flowers in a loose raceme, blooming from May to August.
Low herbs with entire or toothed leaves, and white or yellow flowers; pubescence often stellate.
A low annual, with once or twice pinnatifid leaves and leafy-bracteate racemes of yellow flowers.
Varies rarely with greenish-yellow flowers, and without purple veins in the foliage.
This plant has narrow pointed leaves, four inches long, and produces at the ends of the shoots a red spatha, enclosing a cylindrical spadix of yellow flowers.
In the open ground grew a beautiful tree producing large terminal spikes of yellow flowers, with broad, and slightly cordate leaves; it belongs to the natural order Bignoniaceae.
Mueller observed that the sulphur-yellow flowers of Sempervivum Wulfenii, which are unlike the primitive yellow of the Crassulaceae, are purple at base.
Yellow flowers in their natural state exhibit but little variation of color.
A low straggling tree carries, on long pendent branches, leaves like a Spanish chestnut, a foot and more in length; and at the ends of the branches, long corymbs of yellow flowers.
Near us we descried several trees covered with pale yellow flowers, conspicuous enough on the hillside.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yellow flowers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.