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Example sentences for "large hole"

  • In digging a large hole or well, the earth Must be loosened in precisely the same manner, handed up to the surface and carried off by means of a bucket or bag, in default of a shovel and wheelbarrow.

  • A pot or kettle with a large hole in its bottom, filled up with a piece of wood, has been made to boil water by burying it a little way in the earth and making the fire round it.

  • The three walls of the flat pyramidal thorax are formed in the upper part by squarish network similar to that of the cephalis, in the lower part by a narrow band of the same; between them a large hole.

  • The two conical teeth of the mouth are very large, nearly as long as the shell, straight, and almost parallel, each tooth has a large hole on the thickened base.

  • Went to another creek, where there was a large hole of water in conglomerate rock; this we found also to be very much reduced; when we last saw it, its depth was four feet, and now it is only eighteen inches.

  • On a further examination of this creek I found a large hole of water about two hundred yards long and thirty broad, with birds upon it, and plants that grow round permanent water.

  • Jack soon got a shot at his game, but the bullet only tore a large hole in the fleshy shoulder of the bull and buried itself in the neck, maddening the animal to such a degree that he turned at once and charged upon horse and rider.

  • Sometimes I would kick the barn and sometimes I would kick a large hole in the horizon.

  • We went outside to see for ourselves, and there we found a large hole in the side of the house, through which a shell had entered a room across the passage from that occupied by the Corps, who had fortunately chosen the lee-side.

  • At the roadside was a large hole in the ground where a shell had fallen some minutes before, and beside it an unfortunate cow with its hind-quarters shattered.

  • Very different would be the fate of an unarmed vessel, for the explosion of a torpedo would probably blow such a large hole in the thin steel plates that she would go to the bottom like a stone.

  • When we were there the tower had not been damaged, but a large hole in the roof of the church showed where a shell had entered.

  • Illustration: The Tool Edge is Kept at the Proper Angle While It is Run over the Stone] A Large Hole in a Small Piece of Paper It would seem impossible to cut a hole in a piece of paper, 2 in.

  • The khalsi had a large hole in the bottom so that as fast as it was filled the water ran out.

  • Lelsing foresaw it and he dug a large hole in the floor of his house and buried in it all the grain on which he could lay his hand.

  • The Potter went away to the jungle and began to dig a large hole in the side of a hill.

  • Soon it made such a large hole that it got quite inside the elephant and still went on eating.

  • The November crop, or what can be spared of it, is collected and baked in an Euma or oven, which is a large hole dug in the earth about two feet deep, and from two to five feet across, according to the quantity to be baked.

  • The Admiral says, "At times a shell would cause a large hole to appear in her side, through which could be seen a dull red glow of flame.

  • We made a large hole in one side of an empty cask, and placed at the bottom of it several things which we wetted, and on this kind of scaffolding we made our fire: we placed it on a barrel that the seawater might not put out our fire.

  • The 'large hole' is the wide depression sunk in the front of it, into which the various discs are dropped.

  • The centre of the 'large hole amydde' is the centre of the instrument, where a smaller hole is pierced completely through.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "large hole" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    dozen years; feel the; large army; large audience; large birds; large cloak; large crowd; large dimensions; large district; large flat; large groups; large herd; large measure; large ones; large piece; large portion; large proportion; large saucepan; large sheet; large size; large spoonful; large stock; large stones; large surface; personal property; through whom