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Example sentences for "justiciable"

Lexicographically close words:
justest; justi; justice; justices; justiceship; justiciar; justiciaries; justiciars; justiciarship; justiciary
  1. The Suprema promptly presented to Philip IV a consulta, representing that simple superstitions were justiciable by bishops but, where there was even light suspicion of heresy, the Inquisition had exclusive cognizance.

  2. These decided that the demoniacal possession was fraudulent, and that the blasphemies and sacrilegious acts of the energumens and the violent sermons of the frailes were justiciable by the Inquisition.

  3. Cum sicut, § 2, removed all exemptions, and again made all justiciable by the Inquisition (Mag.

  4. It is worthy of note that in the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem heresy seems to have been justiciable by the lay court, and the heretic knight was entitled to be judged by his peers.

  5. In federal States the power of the judge is naturally decreased, and that of the justiciable parties is augmented.

  6. The Supreme Court is placed at the head of all known tribunals, both by the nature of its rights and the class of justiciable parties which it controls.

  7. This court would provide a practical and convenient tribunal before which we could go voluntarily, but to which we could not be summoned, for a determination of justiciable questions when they fail to be resolved by diplomatic negotiations.

  8. I appreciate that some questions are not justiciable and cannot be arbitrated.

  9. American statesmen were among the first to propose and they have constantly urged upon the world, the establishment of a tribunal for the settlement of controversies of a justiciable character.

  10. If they abuse it they are justiciable by the people and punishable by God himself.

  11. Sorcery was now beginning to be energetically suppressed, and henceforth we shall see it occupy the peculiar position of a crime justiciable by both the ecclesiastical and secular courts.

  12. Simony was recognized in the canon law as a heresy, punishable as heresy with perpetual seclusion, and as such was justiciable by the Inquisition.

  13. These, as Dominicans, were not justiciable by the civil power, but the Signoria immediately applied to Alexander for authority to condemn and execute them.

  14. The Monroe Doctrine is not a justiciable question, but one of purely governmental policy which we have followed for nearly a century, and in which the countries of Europe have generally acquiesced.

  15. If it signified that the man to whom it is applied was always the justiciable of the lord to whom he was commended, we could understand it.

  16. He was not only his lord's man but his lord's justiciable and probably attended some court outside the hundred.

  17. Even if this man were always the justiciable of a court that had passed into private hands, we could still understand it.

  18. We must here anticipate a conclusion, the proof of which will come by and by, namely, that the villanus sometimes was and sometimes was not the justiciable of a court in which his lord or his lord's steward presided.

  19. Again, we dare not say that while the 'free man' is the justiciable of a national court, the soke over the sokeman belongs to his lord.

  20. The questions of the Alaskan boundary, of the Bering Sea seal fishing, and of the Alabama Claims were justiciable issues that could be settled by a court, exactly as the Supreme Court would settle claims between States.

  21. We propose that for justiciable questions we shall have an impartial court to which all questions arising between members of the league shall be submitted.

  22. In 1911, Taft signed yet broader treaties with Great Britain and France, providing for the arbitration of all justiciable disputes, and for a commission to determine whether disputed cases were justiciable or not.

  23. In federal states the power of the judge is naturally decreased, and that of the justiciable parties is augmented.

  24. The supreme court is placed at the head of all known tribunals, both by the nature of its rights and the class of justiciable parties which it controls.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "justiciable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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