She had interrogated constantly at varying intervals as to the correct method of writing the capital initial of the name of a city in Canada, Quebec.
Germain, whom I saw but seldom, interrogated me with kindness on the subject of my sorrows; but shame forbade my confession.
I interrogated her as to the past; I asked her if she came from the country, telling her to be of good cheer, if, as I hoped, she wished to return to the paths of virtue.
It happened that three Spaniards stole a horse, and ate it secretly, but when it was known, they were imprisoned and interrogated under the torture.
Then he called on some of the boys at a game of marbles, who interrogated him about his outfit, and inquired if he had got his marbles.
They are not much accustomed to be interrogated by others; and seem never to have thought upon interrogating themselves; so that if they do not know what they tell to be true, they likewise do not distinctly perceive it to be false.
On being interrogated the Queen declared that these five and twenty louis had been lent to her by my sister; this formed a pretence for arresting her and me, and led to her death.
Madame Elisabeth was then taken to the Conciergerie, where she was interrogated by the vice-president at midnight, and then allowed to take some hours rest on the bed on which Marie Antoinette had slept for the last time.
Yu ergwine to stan twixt me und him," interrogated old Ned contemptuously "Jes as well have ole Jube er stanin twixt me und de jedge ebery bit und grane.
Spencer might be interrogatedon Sir Henry's life abroad, where Flora had a suspicion that gossip had best not be raked up.
Mr. Wilmot was appealed to, and did his best to investigate, but the only result was to discover that no one interrogated had any notion of truth, except John Taylor, and he knew nothing of the matter.
A beautiful spectacle was that canonical inquiry in which the common father of the faithful interrogated the contemporaries of Louis IX.
It is proved, that of the other four persons interrogatedat Carcassonne, Jean Cassauhas and Peter de Mossi retracted their first deposition, and Jean Cassauhas was burnt in that city.
Suffering under a severe strangury, he was starved and tormented with all the cruel ingenuity of the Inquisition, and interrogated at intervals, without his resolution giving way.
He was interrogated by the queen's counsel with the most insidious questions.
But, if the accused appeared at the nominis delatio, the prosecutor interrogated him at length concerning the facts of the crime.
Dore Peretz wasinterrogated for weeks, threatened repeatedly, then placed under close surveillance.
The man sounded stressed out, but Spiros had already interrogated him about the overall situation.
Madame Goesler, as she thus interrogated him, was leaning across towards him from the sofa on which she was placed, with both her elbows resting on a small table before her.
In this way they conversed for some twenty minutes, till they parted; but neither of them interrogatedthe other as to what either might be called upon to do in consequence of the division which had just been effected.
Mrs. Finn had interrogated Mary, and Mary had been obliged to own that it was quite possible that Phineas would be called upon to resign.
He did go and sit on a well-cushioned bench in the smoking-room, and then was interrogated by many of his friends as to his mysterious absence.
On what bottomless abysses of impurities she will have to pass and travel, in company with the priest alone, before he will have interrogated her on all the sins she may ignore, and which she may have concealed through shame!
She, on her part, never interrogated him on any subject.
I dared not express my sentiments in very strong terms, but gently interrogated him with regard to the right which he claimed the rebels had to take up arms against the United States Government.
I was amused to hear the answer of a hopeful young darkey cook, when interrogated with regard to the broiled chickens and beef steak which he brought on for supper.
They set out at midnight, and Lady Hameline soon interrogated the captain of her escort, and learnt that he was of noble birth.
I have taken measures to have them interrogated separately, and much ado I had to get this understood.
We met a native, whose replies, when interrogated as to game, I judged from what I could gather to be rather discouraging.
They had extended their search over an extensive range, and had interrogated some native shikarries shooting partridges, but the result ever the same--nothing.
The villagers interrogated pretended ignorance, which naturally persuaded us that the animal had recovered, and on the gopal arriving he at once told us that it was so.
On her return he eagerly interrogated her as to the results of the interview.
Let me call your attention to one of the women prisoners, whose peculiarly repulsive countenance was so remarkable that when we came away from the jail I interrogated one of the workers concerning her.
He interrogated him again, in the presence of his wife; and the MS.
And therefore when you are interrogated by me, I would have you imagine that you are interrogated by them.
A similar one was now asked by his daughter; and so closely was I interrogated by her coral lips and searching blue eyes, that I could not tell a lie.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "interrogated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.