Buds from the theca interna invade the follicle and form the connective tissue of the corpus luteum.
The fascia spermatica interna laid open above and below d*, the external ring.
The fascia spermatica interna covering the cord; h, its funnel-shaped extremity.
The corpora geniculata interna also belong to this division of the brain.
The argentea interna abuts on a cartilaginous capsule, which completely invests the inner part of the eye.
From this it seems that "Missouri" is the only body that emphasizes the interna virtus.
According to Romish doctrine a man became a member of the church, not by an interna virtus, but solely through an external profession of faith and an external use of the sacraments.
The ossified tendon on the superficial surface of the distal part of pars externa extends beyond the fleshy belly and becomes flexible before joining the tendon of pars interna and media.
The proximal end of pars interna does not reach the patella.
In one leg, the lateral edge of pars interna overlaps the proximomedial edge of M.
At the level of the posterior acoustic foramina the pars media plectri is bony, greatly expanded in size, and joined to the pars interna plectri medially.
Posteriorly the operculum increases in size, and the pars interna plectri and pars media plectri are reduced (Fig.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "interna" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.