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Example sentences for "individual property"

  • This latter belonged as individual property to the men of the chieftain groups.

  • But to make the comparison applicable, we must compare communism at its best with the regime of individual property, not as it is, but as it might be made.

  • The further development which Kant gives the formula already quoted (p.

  • It is evident that with the prevalence of the paternal type of family, clan and household ties will mutually strengthen each other.

  • The element which makes this method particularly obnoxious is that the quasi-public corporations are given a monopoly by the community and then take advantage of this to capitalize indefinitely the necessities of a growing community.

  • The well-to-do sections of society in Great Britain have found a secure and profitable outlet for their capital in loans and advances to the colonists alike as organised communities and as individual property-owners.

  • The existing monogamic relation is simply the outcome of the institution of private or individual property.

  • I mean, of course, the institution of individual property.

  • But, to make the comparison applicable, we must compare Communism at its best with the régime of individual property, not as it is, but as it might be made.

  • And so the quarrel goes round; always the old difficulty of meum and tuum, so hard to reconcile except under a regime of individual property.

  • Curr speaks also of individual property in land, but this seems to have had only a purely fictitious meaning, having nothing to do with any real right.

  • Moreover, in the few cases where there is any mention of individual property in land, we found very little information about the principles according to which it is inherited.

  • When it came down to individual property, then what?

  • Did you see any attempt while you were there to destroy or set fire to individual property?

  • During the destruction of railroad property, was there any demonstration on the part of the citizens to subdue this riot, or did they begin to realize their situation after it came to the destruction of individual property?

  • As soon as it came down to individual property, then what?

  • In reality it only takes root in societies a little more advanced, in which, especially, the idea of individual property is already more or less firmly planted.

  • Among the latter, rules have been strictly laid down in regard to bison-hunting from the point of view of individual property.

  • I refer to Private or Individual Property, Absurd and Irrational systems of Religion, and Marriage founded on Individual Property, combined with some of these Irrational systems of Religion.

  • Scattered through this territory are extended tracts of land, which have not been converted into individual property.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "individual property" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    foure thousand; happy days; having seen; honest people; individual cases; individual character; individual development; individual independence; individual initiative; individual instances; individual liberty; individual objects; individual ownership; individual rights; individual self; individual things; individual variation; rapid march; religious rites; secret doctrine; sixty cents; sympathetic magic; thy hand; virtue and; wire basket; years since