Add the butter, pepper and salt, and thicken with 1 tablespoonful of corn starch.
Whip 1 cup cream with the yolks of 4 eggs and 1 tablespoon of corn starch or flour; add this to the stock, boil up, and serve at once.
Let this boil for twenty minutes more and add, before taking up, 2/3 of a teacup of sweet cream, in which has been stirred a dessertspoonful of corn starch.
Dredge with the grated rind of a lemon--a somewhat dry lemon is preferable--which has been mixed thoroughly with one tablespoon of sugar and one small teaspoon of corn starch.
Two yolks of eggs beaten with one half cup sugar, add one large tablespoon of flour and a scant tablespoon of corn starch dissolved in a little milk.
Two cupfuls of common flour with one cup of corn starch may be used instead of pastry flour.
When butter and sugar are thoroughly creamed, add yolks whipped thick.
Bring 20 pounds of currants to a boil, with 21 pounds of fine powdered sugar and ½ pound of corn starch.
This will always mean cream of tartar, soda, or corn starch mixed in the proportions that I shall give later on.
Mix the butter with the corn starch and flour; mix the fig marmalade and the cream; stir in the butter, corn starch, and flour mixture, together with the sugar and the yolks of eggs.
Stir over the fire until the corn starch is cooked, then add the butter.
Make an icing of the white of an egg, eight or nine tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar, a few drops of lemon juice, and one teaspoonful of corn starch.
Mix and sift flour, corn starch, baking powder and salt; add alternately to first mixture with milk, add vanilla, then cut and fold in whites of eggs.
Then add the chocolate and the corn starch, which has been moistened with the cold water.
Several varieties of fudge may be made, the one given in the accompanying recipe being a chocolate fudge containing a small quantity of corn starch.
The molds for shaping center creams are formed in a thick layer of corn starch by means of a device that may be bought from a candy-making supply house or made at home.
The cooked peaches may also be run through a sieve, reheated with a little flour or corn starch to thicken them slightly, and then served hot on buttered toast.
Besides the cereals already mentioned, a number of products of cereals are extensively used in cookery, chief among them being flour, corn starch, and other starches.
Place an equal amount of flour or corn starch--both cereal products--in two different glasses; mix that in one glass with cold water and that in the other with boiling water.
Add one cup of cream to the gravy in which the chicken was cooked, salt and pepper to taste, and thicken with flour or corn starch.
Separate the yolks from whites, add to yolks one-half cup flour and one teaspoonful corn starch.
PRUNE TARTS Mrs. Litson Stone stewed prunes; chop fine; then stew them in their own liquor ten minutes; sweeten and thicken with flour or corn starch.
Kenfield Heat one can of grated pineapple and one-half cup granulated sugar and when boiling, thicken with about two tablespoonfuls of corn starch, dissolved in one-fourth cup of water.
Frequently some starchy material, such as flour or corn starch, is used for thickening in the preparation of this dessert.
Most of the starchy preparations, such as tapioca, rice, corn starch, etc.
Mix the sugar, corn starch, and salt, and moisten with the cold milk.
Mix two ounces of corn starch, four ounces of sugar, the yolks of four eggs, and half of the peel of a lemon, and warm up in a double boiler.
While boiling, stir in one teaspoonful of corn starch dissolved in a little cold water, boil for a few minutes, remove from the fire and add the juice of one or two oranges.
One cup of flour, one cup of milk, the whites of three eggs, a teaspoonful of olive oil, a teaspoonful of corn starch, and a little salt.
If corn starch be put in the juice before adding the sugar it will make it clearer.
Have a small tin of pastry flour on the table to use for thickening sauces; also a small bowl or tin of sugar, and one of corn starch if using it frequently, and a box of salt, of course.
It may also be used in place of the corn starch in Corn Starch Nutmese.
Make a gravy by adding to the fat remaining in the pan--1 cup of milk, 1 tablespoonful of corn starch.
Thicken a pint of strawberry or raspberry juice, sweetened to taste, with two tablespoonfuls of corn starch, as for Fruit Custard.
Let the soup come to a boil, and add a teaspoonful of flour or corn starch, rubbed to a paste with a little water; boil a few minutes and serve.
Moisten slices of zwieback in hot cream, and serve with a dressing prepared by heating a pint of strained stewed tomato to boiling, and thickening with a tablespoonful of corn starch or flour rubbed smooth in a little cold water.
Have some rich milk boiling in the inner dish of a double boiler, add to it a little salt, then stir in for each pint of milk a heaping teaspoonful of corn starch or rice flour, rubbed smooth in a little cold milk.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "corn starch" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.