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Example sentences for "abandon the"

  • Japan's proposal to abandon the zone is somewhat of an impertinence, since she has violated it ever since she took possession.

  • If we support Japan's claim, we abandon the democracy of China to the domination of the Prussianized militarism of Japan.

  • On a dispute arising in France, between an American and a Spaniard or an Englishman, it would not be fair to abandon the Spaniard or Englishman to an American consul.

  • The same cause which obliged other clerks to abandon the service of Thelusson, determined Necker to continue in it.

  • As the people are obliged to abandon the town, and live in the rice-fields at certain seasons, to secure their crops from the birds and the monkies, they have occasional houses there for their accommodation.

  • The Imperialists were not to be seen, and the king, fearing they might have marched by some other route against Wurtzburg, determined to return at once, telling Hepburn to mine the bridge, and to blow it up if forced to abandon the town.

  • He first attempted to repair that at Rain, but the fire of the artillery and musketry was so heavy that he was forced to abandon the idea.

  • To retire without supping, at the hour when all other artists supped, would have been to abdicate, to abandon the struggle, and he would not abandon it, sacre bleu!

  • Monsieur Delobelle has no right to abandon the stage.

  • Even the Señor Montefalderon was disposed to abandon the doubloons, and he urged Spike to make the best of his way for Yucatan, to seek a friendly harbour.

  • The food and water did not amount to much, no more having been provided than enough for the purposes of the captain, together with the four men with whom it had been his intention to abandon the brig.

  • He thereby induced Vercingetorix to abandon the siege of the town of the Boii, and to resort likewise to the Bituriges.

  • When he had thought of praying for ability, his natural good sense led him to abandon the experiment.

  • The fear of man causes some to abandon the ascent.

  • On a signal given, the greater part of the noncommissioned officers and privates paraded under arms, declaring their intention of marching to the seat of Congress at Philadelphia to obtain a redress of grievances, or to abandon the service.

  • Thus it was, that from the effect of this narrow escape, and the entreaties of a tender mother, Francis Marion was induced to abandon the sea, for an element, on which he was to become singularly useful.

  • Shall we abandon the baggage, and, by a rapid movement, save ourselves?

  • We had it in contemplation at one time to construct a circular staircase to its summit, and erect a platform thereon for an observatory, but more necessary and pressing demands on our time made us abandon the project.

  • The good fathers, both Jesuits and Recollets, have done their best, though indeed they are both rather ready to abandon the affairs of the next world in order to meddle with those of this.

  • Are we to abandon the manor-house of Sainte Marie to the first gang of savages who choose to make an attack upon it?

  • Is it possible that they are going to abandon the attack?

  • So far from these anticipations proving justified, I am now moved to abandon the pseudonym in the only instance I have had occasion to use it.

  • Pinkney Hare with sociology and politics to abandon the law in New York, at which he was doing rather well, and follow her to Hunston.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abandon the" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    abandon ship; abandon the; abandon their; abandon them; average temperature; bred horse; breeze sprang; certain king; direct experiment; extensive view; first intention; good seaman; hath sinned; heartily glad; house divided against itself; means easy; natural right; our town; out here; particular cases; particular character; right judgment; shall say; tertiary strata; would scarcely