Europeans were at that time so little prepared for the reception of those material instruments of civilization, that the publication of his travels only produced incredulitywith regard to those mighty engines of good or evil.
If added to this information it was stated that the leaves of this book were scattered over Europe, and that for centuries they had been in the hands of all the world, surprise and incredulity would greet the suggestion.
To 1501 belongs the "Incredulity of St. Thomas," now in the Academy, but painted for the Guild of Masons.
John and Paul; Pietà; Madonna with six Saints; Incredulity of S.
There was no one in England whose authority deserved to have so much weight in overcomingincredulity in regard to the antiquity of the implements in question.
The shot rang through him and partly stunned him; but incredulity made a mocking effort to sustain him.
Shower gusts, and the wail and hiss of the rows of fir-trees bordering the garden, came between, and allowed him a moment's incredulity as to its being a human voice.
When told that the rose was an artificial one, her amazement was great, and her incredulity on the subject was only removed upon personal examination of the counterfeit {373} flower.
Incredulity is no lightning-conductor to keep off the flash, and, listened to or not, the low growls of the thunder are coming nearer.
And when I had done, he thrust out his ugly underlip with an effect of sneering incredulity that I found almost unendurably irritating.
I heard the news with grief, and indeed with incredulity as to the truth of the accusation," observed the knight.
A smile of incredulity curled the nobleman's lip—for the oath which Mr. de Medina had administered to his daughter, and in which her connexion with Rainford was so emphatically mentioned, was uppermost in his mind.
Having shown that the incredulity of the objector respecting the cruelty inflicted upon the slaves, is discreditable to his consistency, we now proceed to show that it is equally so to his intelligence.
Other reasons for her incredulity in this particular occult manifestation lay in the enigmatical nature and purport of the phenomenon.
The officer stared in surprise, while Roger wheeled with a brusque movement of incredulity to behold Thérèse facing them.
For the life of him he could not repress the utter incredulity he felt at this astounding statement.
But such was the incredulity of Napoleon, that he was not yet convinced, and waited for farther information.
And so her incredulity regarding matters pertaining to the world beyond our five senses made her recital all the more convincing.
But their accounts are often received with incredulity or lukewarm interest, some even asserting that there is really nothing at all behind the curtain, and that the explorers have merely been the victims of their own imaginations.
We have passed through the phase of extreme incredulity regarding occult happenings which was inevitable, and was merely the swing of the pendulum from the rank superstition and ignorance of the Middle Ages.
He would be passive, and not allow an ill-timed incredulity to mar a good delusion in the middle.
Undismayed by universal rejection, unfaltering in spite of the curling lips of incredulity and scorn, unbroken by the near approach of certain martyrdom, He presents Himself before the world as its Light.
We do not usually attach much importance to men's estimate of themselves; and gigantic claims such as these are generally met by incredulityor scorn.
His arms were crossed: he seemed to defy him, as though he knew beforehand that in him he was to encounter the incredulity of the average person.
She had realised the incredulity of the man to whom, in her chaste innocence, she had given her heart.
Christ in the midst of his Disciples, and the incredulity of St. Thomas.
Do not smile at me in that way: your incredulity terrifies me.
In spite of the vague hope for a jug of choice wine that was animating most of his hearers, a murmur of incredulity always arose at the end of this tale.
So all the princes of the pit came together, and old Incredulity at the head of them, with all the captains of his army.
Mr. Incredulity is the eldest, and Mr. Atheism the youngest of the company.
There were ten thousand doubters, and fifteen thousand blood-men, and they were put under several captains for the war; and old Incredulity was again made general of the army.
When old Incredulity had heard this speech, he cried out, 'Treason!
Then was a silence commanded, and the old fox Incredulity began to speak.
Your heart, so long accustomed to the incredulity of the age, needs rest--such rest as is produced by dwelling on the love of Christ for us.
At last the secret was revealed by writing; then comes incredulity met by protestations, and finally amazed conviction.