They had no choice but to enter the arena as champions of the new interpretation of life which the cause of truth imperatively demanded.
From an early period in the war he saw that the emancipation of the negroes of the South was imperatively demanded to insure the success of the North.
Who can number the hurried journeys which he made between Boston and Washington, when his counsel was imperatively demanded in the one place and no less needed in the other?
When such engineering work as was imperativelyrequired had been brought to completion, both officers and men settled down to the monotony of garrison routine.
It will be imperatively necessary then-- "To give to nature what is nature's due.
Respiration, digestion, and a proper action of the bowels, imperativelydemand fresh air and exercise.
The circumstances of the Corinthian disciples at this juncture imperatively required the interference of the apostle.
The disorders of the Church imperatively called for some strong remedy; and it perhaps occurred to not a few that a distracted presbytery, under the presidency of a feeble old man, was but ill fitted to meet the emergency.
Its complete success of late has been impeded by the want of adequate funds to maintain those departments of scientific instruction now imperatively demanded in modern education.
Lewis Smith of New York quotes, in his recent work on Diseases of Children, several instructive cases which show the danger sometimes attending suckling, and which may imperatively demand its discontinuance.
It became imperatively necessary that a fresh supply should be obtained.
You may have it made known to all but a few of your friends, that the actual state of things at home imperatively necessitates a certain reserve--that any serious departure from such reserve would be a breach of Mr. O’L.
The Greek is very corrupt and {326} degraded, and considerations of style alone would assign it to the fifth century, as would still more imperatively the anachronisms with which it abounds.
Knowledge of law is imperatively demanded by nature.
In view of the importance of this to the service of God, a full report in detail was imperatively required to be furnished within four months.
After a walk of twelve miles she discovered him apparently in a dying state, he and his comrades imperatively demanding care.
A change being imperatively demanded in the Act of Incorporation, efforts were immediately commenced at the next session of Congress to effect this purpose.
She could not be restrained, however, from going where she felt that her services would be imperatively needed, and at five P.
She paused hesitating, ran distractedly backwards a few paces; then, as John imperatively waved his arms, plunged forward again and toiled up the slope.
After a while Lady Eustace, finding that her peace and comfort imperatively demanded that she should prove the allegations which she had made, fled again from Portray Castle to London, and threw herself into the hands of the Bonteens.
He wrote, or got some one to write, a report proving that the service of the country imperatively demanded that the money should be spent, and in doing so was strictly within his duty.
Then touch will declare that there are two marbles, while sight says that there is only one; and touch claims our belief, when we attend to it, just as imperatively as sight does.
I do not propose to enlarge upon this topic, but I would venture to suggest that there are one or two remedial measures which are imperatively needed; indeed, they have already been alluded to by Mr. Acland.
If the cause he advocated had in very truth been a great and honourable one, then it imperatively called for frank and honest action on his part.
He now made his appearance at the birthplace of the Evangel in order to recommence his vigorous and incisive sermons, which had becomeimperatively necessary for his cause.
The induction of new pastors could not well take place independently of the authorities, indeed, it imperatively demanded their co-operation.
Paul had never seen Van Shaw, did not know him in the least and simply saw a good-looking young man dressed in a serviceable camping suit, who had appeared at a moment when help of some kind was imperatively needed.
It was imperatively necessary that he should remain at Turin, though he had no business there of any kind whatever, and did not know a single person in the city.
As Lord Morley says: "Never was there a moment when every consideration of political prudence more imperatively counselled silence.
To beg for votes, as if they were alms or broken victuals, is a form of mendicancy which is incompatible with common self-respect, and yet it is a self-abasement which thirty years ago custom imperatively demanded.
And yet, it was imperatively necessary that she should be informed of what had happened.
It was clear, however, that the duel could not take place at once, since Gouache was under arms, and it was imperatively necessary that he should have permission to risk his life in a private quarrel at such a time.
But to the great majority of the American people their passage seemed imperatively necessary to the preservation of the Republic, and this sentiment found expression in the action of both houses of Congress upon them.
Thus the second part of Lee's military problem remained still to be solved, and it was very greatly the more difficult part--the part that most imperatively called for the exercise of strategic genius of a high order.
Still more imperatively must we do it if history is ever to be written.
I do not need to dwell upon all the sources in Christian faith and belief, of that lofty and imperatively obligatory gladness, but I confine myself to the one in my text, 'Rejoicing in hope.
The final overthrow of the trustee system gave the church freedom, and new institutions of every kind which had been imperatively required sprang up.
Though I ought to be accustomed to being called at any and every hour, I never find it grows easy to forsake my pillow; and whenever it is not imperatively necessary for me to get up, I prolong my morning nap in the most cowardly way.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "imperatively" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.