Records have been maintained on the number of identifiablehumpbacks seen in these waters including Glacier Bay.
There is some indication that a seasonal feeding area in Lynn Canal was avoided by humpbacks coincident with the onset of a herring fishery in 1972.
Some humpbacks that summer in southeastern Alaska are known to migrate to both the Mexican and Hawaiian wintering grounds, although others are found in southeastern Alaska during all months of the year.
Increased human use of coastal waters is not limited to Glacier Bay and the movement of humpbacks from Glacier Bay to areas outside the Bay may be symptomatic of a larger problem.
Movement from Lynn Canal may have resulted from direct competition for the same resource at the same time, by depletion of the resource below levels sufficient to support humpbacks or as a result of noise or the presence of fishing vessels.
Such activity may have been a factor in the movement of humpbacks from Glacier Bay.
These factors may account for the unexpected reaction of humpbacks to cruise ships in Glacier Bay.
With the cessation of that fishery, humpbacks reoccupied the area in 1979.
Human activity may have caused changes in the physical, chemical, or biological environment, effecting humpbacks directly or indirectly.
Of late years the percentages have altered considerably, blue whales and fin whales predominating, humpbacks decreasing rapidly.
It is now dependent on the captures of the large fin and blue whales, humpbacks having been rapidly reduced in numbers, so that the total stock appears to have been affected.
Every fourth year is a big run of sockeye, and when there is a small run of these fish there may be a big run of humpbacks or dog salmon.
Firrazzanu then collected a score of humpbacks and introduced them into the viceroy's kitchen, sending word to the viceroy that the pirnicani were ready.
Ugly as these humpbacks were, still there was a lady who fell in love with one of them and married him.
There the two humpbacks smothered before the wife could release them.
Finally the time came when the unmarried humpbacks had to depend on the other one for food.
Most of them are finbacks, though these are always accompanied by numbers of humpbacks and a few "right" whales--the most valuable of all the southern cetacea except the spermaceti or cachalot.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "humpbacks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.