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Example sentences for "humanness"

Lexicographically close words:
humanized; humanizing; humankind; humanlike; humanly; humano; humanoid; humanoids; humans; humanum
  1. Only he differs from most artists in this--that what most chiefly strikes him is the indefinable humanness of human nature, the large general manner of existing.

  2. Bouvard et Pécuchet was the crowning proof that Flaubert had lost sight of the humanness of the world, and suffered from the delusion that he had been born on the wrong planet.

  3. All this is changing before our eyes, with the advancing humanness of women.

  4. Because of their humanness has come all the noble growth of civilization, in spite of their maleness.

  5. In this, as in all other fields of our action, we must discriminate between the humanness of the function in process of development, and the influence of the male or female upon it.

  6. The growing humanness of women, and its recognition, is forcing an equal education for boy and girl.

  7. This is its justification; the establishment of humanness in the male; he being led into it, along natural lines, by the exercise of previously existing desires.

  8. The petty despot of the man-made home is hindered in his humanness by too much manness.

  9. In spite of this the overmastering power of humanness is now developing among modern men immense organizations of a wholly beneficial character, with no purpose but mutual advantage.

  10. In modern history we may watch with increasing ease the slow, sure progress of our growing humanness beneath the weakening shell of an all-male dominance.

  11. He looked apprehensively around him; he felt overjoyed at the sight of the humanness of Delly.

  12. I knew nothing of myself, or any thing pertaining to myself; I felt my pulse, my thought; but other things I was ignorant of, except the general feeling of my humanness among the inhumanities.

  13. Moreover, whatever of real humanness she does manifest we persist in regarding as feminine.

  14. The little girl took the mother's hand, and she, in turn, looked at him frankly and pleasantly, with a recognition of his humanness that was a new thing to him.

  15. Even when they are in themselves craven-cowardly, cowardly enough to turn their own stomachs, they still turn their humanness unfearfully face-outward like upturned faces of a pack of cards.

  16. And I get warmed and half-warmed and cooled and slightly scorched in the easeful unevenly-heated humanness of the women and men sitting around.

  17. And a fascination in it tempers my humanness with an evil-feeling power.

  18. Only a few women, the few specialized breeds, can express the fire or the humanness in them by play-acting or suffragetting or singing or painting or writing or trained-nursing or house-keeping.

  19. All enjoyment in his life would thus perish, and finally his very humanness would perish.

  20. Those faculties, moreover, it should be known, are as it were inherent in man, for humanness itself is in them.

  21. No longer would he be man, for he would lose his two faculties called liberty and rationality in which humanness itself consists.

  22. If the ontological basis for being is that all persons are caring and that by our humanness caring is, then I accept that I am a caring person.

  23. She had lifted herself above the people among whom she was reared; but her touch, her sympathies, her warm humanness remained unalloyed!

  24. In my humanness I appreciate the awesome dreads they live.

  25. In humanistically recalling and reflecting a nurse will understand and respond empathetically and sympathetically to both her own humanness and the other's.

  26. Such overloading reflects the humanness of the nurse; like all man she can envision possibilities beyond any human being's ability of fulfillment.

  27. There exists the possibility that our humanness may include the dilemma of our not being able to perceive the messages of our data, that we will not be able to merge with it and become more.

  28. So, while words prevent the loss of the wisdom of lived experience, they are both a wonder of humanness and a limitation of humanness.

  29. What condition of humanness is necessary in the nurse for the actualization of nursing's research potential?

  30. Now, looking back over the years, I would guess that both this husband and wife were "poor souls" struggling with their humanness as best they could.

  31. But humanness cannot exist apart from human beings, any more than heaviness apart from the heavy object.

  32. If humanness does not exist apart from men, neither do men exist apart from humanness.

  33. For the quiet man with the twinkling eyes, who combined the courage and the humanness of a cowpuncher with the unselfish devotion of a saint, was a great figure in the Bad Lands.

  34. But what the Evangelist seems to note particularly is the humanness of the two celestials.

  35. At any rate, we do know that when angels have appeared on earth there has been a strange humanness about them.

  36. In speaking of them as "two men" probably our Evangelist only intended to call attention to the humanness of their form, as in verse 23 he speaks of the appearance as "a vision of angels.

  37. It enjoyed itself, youthfully; attacked the earning of its bread with genial pluck, and its good-natured humanness had touched him.

  38. A great sense of humanness and comradeship swept over him.

  39. He dwelt alone, and sun and moon Were witness that he made Rejection of his humanness Until they seemed to fade; His face did so, for he did grow Of his own soul afraid.

  40. The true judgment of life was only to be made by the help of the full humanness of the observer.

  41. From this viewpoint men and women rise, together, from that lower relation, to the far higher one of Humanness, that common Humanness which is hers as much as his.

  42. The choir sang with cheerful heartiness; it was a relief from the tension of the sermon, a reaction to life, and hope, and healthy humanness after these shadows of death.

  43. Being a partner touches the imagination and wakes the man's humanness up.

  44. One extremely valuable contribution of these History Plays was their insistence upon absolute humanness in the characters.

  45. We see in it originality of conception; we are touched by its intense humanness and by its inherent simplicity; but we are startled by its change, its growth, under the influence of circumstances, to a certain subtle complexity.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "humanness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    frailty; humanity; mortality; weakness