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Example sentences for "body might"

  • The consequence is, that he shows his weak hand, as a body might say.

  • He sucked in the umbrella and parasol business with his mother's milk, as a body might say.

  • Why, yes, it wouldn't be a bad operation, living on the inimy, as a body might say.

  • Religious liberty demands differences of opinion, as a body might say; and without them there would be no religious liberty.

  • Quite out of her place, as a body might say, and onreasonable.

  • I suppose a body might expect to see you back again, another season," observed Daggett, glancing meaningly towards his companion, as if he had seriously revolved so desperate a plan in his mind.

  • It might have been a league athwart it, and it drifted, as a body might say, as if it had some one aboard to give it the right sheer.

  • We kept the Collector out for two months, till he brought us a regular bill of health, as a body might say.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "body might" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being right; body and; body cavity; body could; body guard; body length; body might; body politic; body temperature; body weight; brass vessel; civilian life; comparatively speaking; erect posture; five lines; four dimensions; great tendency; hardy perennial; high range; huge blocks; let alone; nearly white; repeat the; tablespoonful butter; waste time; you said